My Family’s AMAZING Hemp & CBD Experience
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Wondering about CBD oil and hemp? I had been wondering about it too, and what I found out was simply fascinating.
Here’s the story of our CBD experience–I think you’ll be as amazed as we were. Truly, CBD oil has changed our lives.
This is a post that I never thought I would write.
A post about my family and CBD–as in hemp. Seriously.
Well, I’m writing this.
CBD, CBD oil, medical marijuana, and hemp oil have all been in the news a lot recently.
And it’s all created quite a stir. People have been touting the beneficial effects of the hemp and marijuana plants (they are 2 different things), but I remained fairly skeptical. I mean, I really love this Vegan Ranch Dressing that’s loaded with hemp seeds, but this?
I saw articles about people feeling better while using marijuana for medicinal purposes, and I would hesitatingly think I supported this kind of use, but something always held me back.
Well, I’m glad that “something” budged.
We haven’t used medical marijuana, but we did end up using a CBD-rich hemp oil, and it has literally changed our lives.
A number of months ago, I became aware of a company that was selling CBD oil. I showed my husband the information and he said, “Get it.”
He had just seen an article by a conservative author who had been a former skeptic turned “believer” when she tried medical marijuana on her child.
So, I got it.
Long story short, I started doing research and was pretty excited about what I found, but I kept digging and digging and of course wanted to try it on my family before saying anything to my readers.
Now I have a story to tell.
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What is CBD Oil?
CBD-rich hemp oil is not marijuana or pot.
And it’s not hemp oil like the kind you put on your salad or make dressing from. That hemp oil is made from seeds (like the hemp seeds in this vegan ranch dressing). This is made from industrial hemp. Hemp is a relative of marijuana, but it isn’t marijuana.
CBD stands for cannabidiol and CBD-rich hemp oil is made from hemp that is cultivated to have higher amounts of CBD. CBD is only one of 85 different cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, one of which is THC (the one that makes you high).
CBD has many health benefits that you can read about on the internet. You can also do an internet search for “CBD & ____” filling in the blank for health conditions and see what the research says. You will be shocked!
Anyhow, I was nervous about medical marijuana and all. I’m not one for big government and them regulating things, but still, marijuana makes me nervous.
But this is different.
This is “Healthy–Not High.”
And CBD Oil is also not Copaiba Oil (an essential oil that is often compared to CBD oil. If you’ve heard that they are the same, you can read this post on Copaiba vs. CBD to find out how those two differ.
Well, today I’m sharing something with you that I NEVER expected I would be writing.
First, because it has to do with hemp, and secondly because of the AMAZING impact this had on our lives.
Get ready to be amazed. My eyes are literally welling up with tears as I write this.
My Family’s CBD Experience
Following are our experiences with CBD oil. We tried several companies and I have continued to research to make sure I have good products to recommend to you.
My Son’s CBD Experience
Literally, since the day he started taking CBD oil, my son has had none. ZERO panic episodes.
None. Here is his story in detail.
Two to three weeks after he started using CBD oil, we had an incredibly stressful week. My sister and her boyfriend came into town and we went around town with them and stayed up ’til the wee hours of the morning talking.
And talking. And not just about simple things–these were deep talks about intense topics. They were actually amazing, but stressful in a good way.
My son was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (which is on the autistic spectrum) about 9 years ago. One of the symptoms of Asperger’s is focused attention, or an obsession, about a certain topic, or topics.
My son’s main obsession is sports. He loves watching sports, listening to sports, reading about sports, memorizing sports rules, learning sports statistics, and playing sports. Sports, sports, and more sports. Did I say “sports” :)?
Hockey, however is his favorite sport of all time.
Anyhow, the week that my sister and her boyfriend were visiting overlapped with his hockey camp.
My Son’s CBD Experience–Stress Test #1:
We were in the middle of preparing a late dinner and my husband took my son to his camp. About 20 min after they left, the phone rang.
It was my son.
Son: “Um…Mom, I got the times wrong and today’s camp is over. They changed the schedule and I missed the email.”
Me : (worried) “I’m sorry. Well, at least you get to come home and spend time with us.”
Son: “Yeah.”
Me: “Are you OK?”
Son: “I’m fine. See you soon.”
I seriously asked him again if he was OK because I couldn’t believe my ears. He repeated that he was OK and they came home and we had a great rest of the evening together.
Now, typically missing something sports related, especially hockey, would have resulted in a LOT of stress. As in a panic episode.
But this time–nothing.
In addition, the man who runs the league had basically chewed him out for missing the practice, even though the confusion was partially the team’s oversight due to the way they notified kids in an unmarked email.
Typically, getting reprimanded by an authority figure is another thing that would set my son, but he weathered this OK too.
My Son’s CBD Experience–Test #2
The next day, our company left. We had little sleep the night before (as in, the worst bedtime we had ever had) and said good-bye to them after spending some time at a local large botanical garden in 90+-degree humid weather.
Humid ickiness PLUS bad sleep.
We went home, got some things together and then headed out the door, planning to drop my oldest off at hockey camp before heading to a cookout, but we were running late.
When we were almost there, my son realized that he had forgotten his socks. (Note–it was summer – typically he doesn’t have to remember socks since he’s normally skating in the winter.)
So Dad got mad at him, but my son said calmly, “That’s OK–I’ll just go to the cookout with you.”
Now, this might not seem like a big deal to you, but again, we’re talking hockey, and we were already late (a stressor) and my son didn’t really want to go to the cookout since he didn’t think any of his friends would be there.
Typically in this situation, the following would happen:
Oldest would start panicking and Son #2 would start teasing Son #1. Then Son #1 would get REALLY upset and Dad would be yelling, fearing an accident. Yup – total family CHAOS!!
This time? Nothing.
Now we realized something was really going on.
Something had changed.
What would have normally led to a full-blown episode was just no. big. deal.
Over the next week or so, we noticed other things that had changed. He had:
Flexibility – While doing family exercise (we love T Tapp), he was able to bend farther and is more flexible overall.
Social Skills – when approaching and interacting with other kids and when talking with other adults, things are so much smoother and his eye contact is better!
Household Chores – No one likes doing these, but our oldest has struggled with not knowing what to do and needing direction pretty much all the time. Well, since starting CBD oil, he’s a different kid. He actually walks around finding ways to help. Without being asked.
One weekend, we ran into a friend at Costco. We talked forever (she’s that kind of friend :)), and she was shocked at the changes in him. So much so that she came over that week to buy a bottle from me.
There’s more….
My Husband’s CBD Experience
Focus, Motion Illness, Sleep, and Improved Digestion (yup–poop is better!)
My husband LOVES books. He is an English Professor and has LOADS of books. I like books, but not moldy books (see this post on mold toxicity to see why).
Well, he has a lot of old books in his office and every time we go there, the boys and I don’t feel well from the mold that’s obviously in them. I’ve asked him to ditch them for years, but he didn’t–well, MAYBE he’d ditch one or two. After using this oil for about 2 weeks, we went to his office and I started begging him to move some more books out. He wasn’t happy, but soon he was doing it too.
The next day–get this–he called from his office telling me he’d gotten rid of 100+ books!
I’ve also heard from others that CBD oil has helped them to focus and get things done that they somehow hadn’t been able to do before.
Flying and my hubby don’t get along well. Typically, every 4th flight or so he would vomit on a plane. Well, when he returned from a trip soon after starting the CBD, he texted me from the driveway “4 flights–no nausea!”
I didn’t know what to think, but I quickly googled “CBD + motion sickness” and sure enough–it was the oil!!
For years, poor digestion has been one of my husband’s “issues”. Well, since starting the oil, he’s actually maybe been in the bathroom more than usual so I didn’t think to talk about it and wasn’t really expecting anything.
Well, about a week ago, a friend asked me about a digestive autoimmune condition that she has and I remember that my husband had the same diagnosis. So I went and asked him how “poop” was going.
I said, “So I’ve noticed you’ve been in the bathroom more recently. Can you tell me if you’ve been in there longer because you’ve been having the same issues in the bathroom or have you been reading books on your new cell phone?”
To which he answered:
“I’ve been reading.”
And then he told me some things about his poop that you don’t need to know.
Let’s just say pooping is a lot better :).
Son #2’s CBD Experience
Our other son has severe head pains that led to vomiting on occasion. He hasn’t been as consistent in using CBD oil but these have been significantly reduced.
So now I just need to get him to be more consistent and see where this goes :).
What are the Health Benefits of CBD?
If you’re wondering if this can help you, or someone you love, there are many things that people are seeing CBD benefits. Just google any illness or condition and CBD.
Prepare to be amazed because the information is vast and it’s gaining a lot of interest. is a good place to investigate too. (Just be aware that there are 3rd party sites advertising on here and some links to companies that aren’t necessarily reputable.)
Is CBD-rich Hemp Oil Legal?
I used to have information in this post stating that unless an oil was sourced overseas and only from stalk and (possibly) seed, it wasn’t legal to sell it across state lines.
This doesn’t appear to be the case.
The laws can be murky but most companies feel that legally it’s fine to buy CBD oil in all 50 states. Some companies take a more conservative approach.
New Oil CBD Experience
Here are some of our son’s experiences since trying out the newer CBD oils on this page.
Getting “UNSTUCK”
Mornings are usually VERRRRRRY slow for my son.
Typically we’ve all been downstairs and taken our morning supplements (probiotics and such) and our oldest is still upstairs. He’s either spending too much time on his routine, or daydreaming and dawdling to excess.
Not this morning. He was there in the kitchen earlier than usual. I asked him what was up with that and he said,…
“Well, I realized in the middle of what I was doing that I didn’t need to do that right then and that I should come down and do what was more important.”
I almost fell over.
THIS is one of the BIGGEST things that we have been hoping for–his being able to get “unstuck” with different behaviors.
The next day or so, he was sitting in a chair in the living room, tossing a ball back and forth from hand to hand. And he was doing it pretty quickly.
He commented, “Look, Mom, don’t you think I’m more coordinated than usual?”
Um–yes. He was right.
I keep looking at him in different situations, realizing how much more connected he is. It’s just so great!
My Results
I feel more motivated and have more energy.
Here’s an example: We are having some issues with the windows in our house with condensation, and we had an appointment (I thought) with a window repairman. Well, I thought he was just going to be looking at 3 rooms, but when I woke up in the morning, MOST ALL of our windows had condensation on them, and I’m REALLY allergic to mold. So visions of toxic mold filled my mind and I realized that now we had to get our WHOLE house ready for someone to go through it and inspect windows.
Seriously–we cleaned the whole house. In about 4 hours.
AND I did most of the work.
Typically, I would have collapsed after something like this, or due to adrenal fatigue, my adrenals would have tanked and I would have slept horribly.
Neither happened. I had a lovely night out at a church’s Christmas dinner and slept 8 hours through.
IMPORTANT UPDATE– At one point, I found that when taking some CBD oils, I got anxiety after a few days. This happened with all of the oils that I tried until I tried the new one in this post–LivLabs. I think it’s that I wasn’t doing well with any THC. That has changed since then.
My Recommendations for CBD-Rich Hemp Oil
There are many many CBD companies out there, and just like when I sought to find the best essential oils company, I found that things in this industry is confusing too–a lot of monkey business going on.
(Don’t get me started about untruths in the personal care industry. I’ve had to remove several skincare and cosmetics companies off of my blog due to mislabeling, ethics, and other issues–there is a bunch of slipshod stuff going on all over the place like not disclosing artificial fragrances, not testing for heavy metals in cosmetics, lying about ingredients, and more.)
My trust is hard-earned.
I try my best to work as hard as I can to find the best–but sometimes I make mistakes.
The first two CBD companies that I worked with were just mistakes. Things started out OK later all kinds of things went wrong including questions not being answered–never a good thing!
The first oil we tried was from a direct sales company that had scientist behind their oils who is highly regarded in the holistic community as a mastermind of detox.
We tried the oil and my son and husband had the results that I originally shared in this post.
As time went on, however, things troubling issues became so prevalent that I had to make a change. There were times when affiliates weren’t paid, labs were shared without chemist’s signatures, misleading pricing statements, and more.
So I decided we needed to keep looking and find a few honest companies with good products that work well.
I will add that I have refused to work with some companies that have pursued me, due to shady marketing, misleading labs (one of them seems to have someone signing off on their labs that doesn’t even have a lab!)
What to Look for in a CBD Company
One of the things to look out for is clean sourcing.
This is CRUCIAL since hemp is a detoxifier and has even been used to clean up toxic waste. It takes up toxins from the soil so you don’t want hemp that isn’t grown organically, and even more than organically grown, you want NO pesticides and herbicides and also test results showing no toxins remaining.
This is a supplement that you will likely be taking each and every day so don’t mess around.
There are varying thoughts on this topic, but keep in mind that there is almost always residue of whatever is used to extract the oil. One company, CW Hemp, uses isopropyl alcohol to extract much of their hemp.
Just like with evaluating essential oils companies, you want a copy of the lab results with the chemist’s signature visible.
Full Spectrum vs Isolate
Although there has been a lot of research on CBD isolate, it’s well known that there are more benefits from a full-spectrum oil than from an isolate.
It’s not necessarily bad for an oil to have additives, but you want them to be healthy additions to the final product rather than fillers or toxins.hem
My Recommendations for CBD Oil
Following are a variety of companies that I feel confident recommending.
1. Purium – $50 off with code wholenewmom
Purium’s CBD oil is 50 mg CBD per serving, in a 1500 mg total bottle.
Full Spectrum: This product is full spectrum, including not just CBD, but the other cannabinoids and terpenes as well.
Results: Some people love this product over others, saying it gives them results over other brands. It really depends on you and what works best for your body.
This is a combination of full spectrum and isolate, so there is some THC in the product.
The hemp is grown in Kentucky or Colorado without any artificial ingredients, and is delivered in an organic hemp seed oil.
There is retail pricing as well as member pricing but you get $50 off your first order using code wholenewmom. As a preferred customer, you get 25% off monthly orders or autoship–otherwise you get 15% off.
Return Policy
Purium has a 60 day money back guarantee.
Shipping is $9.95 at the time of writing this post.
Usage Info
Purium’s CBD comes in a convenient spray bottle–less messy than dropper bottles, and of course not likely to spill.
Currently not available in Canada, Nebraska or Kansas.
2. 4 Corners Cannabis – 10% off
4 Corners Cannabis has very interesting oil. It seems to be quite potent, so even though it costs more, you could possibly get the same results with less oil.
The oil is grown from the flowers of a specially cultivated hemp plant and extracted using ethanol (they say this yields a complete extraction as opposed to a full one), and they have been growing hemp for decades.
Note – I used to have information in this post stating that ethanol extraction removes some of the components of the plant, but that doesn’t appear to be true.
You can shop here and use code wholenewmom to get 10% off your order.
Legal in all 50 states
Guaranteed Amount of CBD
The dropper is convenient, but we had a hard time getting the top off of the bottle. Once it got totally stuck. Others have said they didn’t have that problem so perhaps it was just us :).
If you are unsatisfied, you can return your unopened bottle(s) within 30 days.
Product Selection
The company has pet products and a lovely salve.
Shipping is a $5 flat rate.
Which CBD-rich Hemp Oil Should You Buy?
1. If you were to experience a false positive on a drug screen test, would that be a problem?
The LivLabs oil is the best option in this case, either the dropper or the capsule.
Additionally, since this oil is supposed to be more bioavailable, you most likely need to use less than other oils.
2. How much CBC-rich hemp oil should you take?
Our son is 17 and takes only about 6-12 mg a day, but we hope to increase that a bit. Everyone is different. Some take 50 mg or more a day, but we have found that we don’t need that much.
I hope this has been helpful. If need be, I will change the companies in this post, but as of now, these are companies that I feel confident about.
Have you heard of or tried CBD?
I would love to hear about your CBD experience!
I don’t see Charlotte’s Web cbd oil mentioned. They are fantastic in all the ways you look at the others on here. Do check CW out. They have been a gamechanger for my 13yo dd w/Lyme who has severe juvenile RA symptoms. I have no affiliation with CW.
Hi there. Yes I didn’t mention them for several reasons. I’m first of all glad that you have had such great results. However, they extract a lot of their oil with isopropyl alcohol and use pesticides and herbicides on their plants and hemp is a huge detoxifier.
Those are some big differences, plus them not knowing the exact amount of CBD in their products, but instead they have a range. I hope that helps. Thoughts on all of that?
I do know they are careful in their wording so they stay far from potential DEA legalities. Basically the amount of hemp in their oil is the cbd content. My dd uses drops, not dropperfuls, as her dosage twice daily. She would be in DARMS and a string painkiller if not for cbd oil.
Hi again. Sorry for the delay in responding. I don’t know how putting an exact amount of CBD on a label has anything to do with DEA legalities. Have you heard differently?
Hi Adrianne,
I wanted to comment that you are truly
wonderful to put all this information together!! Thank you so verrry much! I’m delighted that your son & entire family have benefited from CBD oil ~ I believe in its ability to support us in many more ways than we even know!
As others mentioned, I’ve tried various CBD brands from different companies and eirher not had the results I wanted or issues with truth (*in products) from them! I see I’m too late for samples from you (11/8 today) but will check the companies you mentioned. Keep sharing your experiences ~ I’m grateful to have stumbled across your blog.
God Bless You,
Thank you so much – what a lovely comment! I appreciate your kind words. I would be interested in hearing what you tried. Hugs and look forward to seeing you around more. If you are interested we’d love to have you in our Facebook Healthy Living Group:
Blessings to you as well!
Hey there!
I am so happy to learn that your entire family has benefited from CBD! Lol, the post was a bit lengthy, but I appreciated the authenticity of your words and the organization of the post. I am positive your efforts will assist others to gain more knowledge and interest in using CBD as a healing modality.
Yes, it’s long–I have to go back in and edit it more. We had a lot of benefits!
Adrienne its so good to hear your son has been doing so well taking CBD. We’ve been using HempWorx CBD hemp oil for about 11 months now with great results too. We pay $77 with shipping for 500mg and $97 for 750 mg with a 30 day money back guarantee. There’s one with .3% THC and one with no THC. We have 7 day sample packs for $9.95 and that includes skin care and pain cream sample and includes shipping. Have you done any research on HempWorx by chance? Feel free to email me direct with feedback. Would love your thoughts. I’m also a blogger, wellness advocate, shopping, cooking and eating gluten free for ten years and found your website on one of the Gluten Free groups I contribute to on FB.
Hi Sue – thanks for reading and for writing. I am glad to hear you are doing well too!
I do know HempWorx and looked into them. Of course there are all kinds of CBD on the market and each company is different as well. As for the HempWorx CBD, it’s nowhere near as bioavailable as the LivLabs. I would have to do the calculations to figure out approximately the cost per mg given that issue, but the LivLabs is 50-75% ish (or more) bioavailable and regular CBD isn’t the bioavailable. Genetics is another issue.
Then there is the company. I did hear that HempWorx just got in trouble for something regarding selling in Canada if I’m not mistaken. You have to be very very careful with legal issues and of course if you are a representative that’s a concern. Not sure if you are or not, but if you are looking for a company to work with professionally that’s an issue to consider.
The Purium oil works out to about .05 per mg if you take their gift card into account and the HempWorx is .15.
I will drop you an email for sure–love keeping in touch with and meeting new bloggers. I really do appreciate your reaching out.
Blessings to you as well,
This has nothing to do with the cbd oils, but in the article you mentioned having condensation on your windows. We are having the same problem. How did you resolve your problem?
We are working on it–running a dehumidifier has helped but we are going to get the windows looked at soon to see if there is something wrong w/ the construction. Thanks for reading :)!
Very interested in a CBD oil sample if there is any left. Have heard a lot about the benefits but never had an opportunity to try. Thank you.
Hello Robert – thanks for reading.
I hope to have the samples on an ongoing basis. I did just email but here is what I shared:
There are 2 options….
1 – I can send you a 5 Day (at least) sample for $25
2 – Through midnight tonight (10/31/18), I’m offering a free 5 day sample plus a salve sample with any new purchase here:
The company has a great 30 day return policy so that is a very nice option as well.
Happy to answer any other questions.
This sounds like an autism and ADHD parent’s dream. I’m interested in a sample if you still have them. Thanks!
Sure! I emailed you. We have a free sample bottle plus free salve samples with any purchase through today with LivLabs and they have a really good return policy so that’s another good option!
I have 2 sons with Asbergers and would like to try this. I would like a sample if you have any left, as I guess it costs a lot and we are on a fixed income so I want to make sue we see some results. Thank you.
Hi Susan – thanks for reading. I emailed you–hope you can find some good support for your sons.
I was reading thru the police reports in our local newspaper the other day and on e person as pulled over on various charges, but one was possession of CBD oil!!! I thought it was legal in all the states! Now I don’t know what to do.
Hi Susan.
Can you direct me to that information, please? You are more than welcome to email me if you aren’t comfortable sharing here. {wholenewmom (at) gmail (dot) com}. I am happy to talk with some experts about the issue. But legal issues have changed and continue to change and there are different things to consider such as where the hemp comes from. Additionally, the LivLabs one has zero THC so that is another plus for that brand. Let me know!
Look forward to digging into this with you.
I would like information if you have a sample left.
Hi Beth! Yes, I do have some left.
I will email you.
I would like a sample, please. Also how do you use it for sleep?
Sure! I just emailed you back. You can do several things. LivLabs has drops which is what I am taking now- you put however many you want in a drink or food and put it in your mouth. You an also put it on your finger and put it in your mouth. I hold it in my mouth for 20-60 seconds and then swallow and take with food.
The capsules are extended release. I haven’t tried them yet but will soon.
I would like to receive a sample bottle of CBD Oil, I have tried some from websites that turned out to be a fake at the prices I can’t afford to be tricked again. Thank you
Hello Paula. I’m so sorry you were taken! How did you find out? I have emailed you — happy to help out.
Yes I received an email from you, I have been following you on Facebook for sometime now. Read your story about CBD oil and thought I would give yours a try.
Everyone is different, but I really like this one. And they have a good return policy. The sample bottle is for 5 days at a full serving. I haven’t been taking a full serving so it will last longer for someone like me. Thanks for following!
Hey we just started CBD therapy with our aspie son…how long did it take for you to start seeing results, and how long until the maximum benefit was reached? Thanks for putting this all together!
Hi there. We saw results right away–as in we could tell something was working, but maybe a week to see the most? Everyone is different. You are so welcome. I just added a new company to the post and will have samples as an option soon. We haven’t tried it yet but it sounds very promising.
I’m a RN and “autism mom” that developed a organic broad spectrum CBD hemp oil for my son, if you’re interested in our company please feel free to reach out to me anytime 🙂
Hi there. I’m so sorry for the delay in responding. I have a huge backlog of comments I needed to research, etc. Is your company still around? I couldn’t find it. Take care.
Great Stuff.. It seems, you have researched a lot before posting the blog. Thank you for sharing such a important information, as rarely people know this use of CBD. I know about CBD but not aware the CBD can be use in this way as well.
Thank you! Happy to help w/ any questions.
Can you explain the difference between the CBD oil you are talking about in this post and the CBD oil that you have to get a prescription for in many states? This is so confusing. Many parents are getting prescriptions and it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and finding a doctor to prescribe it. How is what they are prescribing different from the CBD oil you can buy online? So many of us who have kids on the spectrum are confused!! Do you only need a prescription if there is THC in it or are there still prescription grade CBD oils that are stronger than anything you can purchase online?
Hello there. My understanding is that there shouldn’t be any different between prescription and non prescription CBD oil–if one is talking about medical marijuana, then that is different since there would be more THC in that product.
In fact, I read tonight about a prescription CBD oil that has no THC at all.
I hope that helps. Happy to answer any other questions.
I’ve been using CBD from (company link removed) for the last 3 months and have noticed overall improvements within the first month of taking. I’ve started with 5% CBD oil, but recently moved to 10%. Both of these have less than 0.2% THC, so it’s great for those who are looking to avoid THC.
Hello there. Sorry but I don’t allow companies to promote their sites on my platform. Thanks for your understanding!
Can you speak of potential interaction with someone already taking Zoloft?
Hi there. There are some meds where there is a clear interaction since CBD would make it necessary to reduce dosages but Zoloft isn’t as clear. There is some indication here but you can see it’s spotty – . You could ask your physician of course.
I have a family of 6. I have already started my youngest (daughter 7) on cbd. I am currently using the BlueBird Botanicals brand. Have you found any CBD oil to buy in bulk. I want to start our whole family on this & it is just too pricey to buy 30ml bottles. Thanks 🙂
So the Bluebird 30 ml is $30, which is 250 mg of cannabinoids but that doesn’t say how much CBD – we can assume 250 at the upper limit so that is .12 per mg. However, it is almost for sure less than 250 mg CBD as there are other cannabinoids in there so actually the price per mg of CBD is more than that.
Purium is 1500 mg CBD for 129 but you can get 6000mg in a 4 pack for only $399 but using code wholenewmom you get 25% off of that. So that’s .05 per mg. Is that enough of a savings for you? Let me know. You get savings ongoing – 15 – 25% off. And free shipping on the CBD.
Hi there. I’m so sorry for not responding until now – a lot of comments got buried and I’m finally trying to get to them.
I never looked up a bulk buying for this. Did you find something you like?
We ended up doing a lot of other therapies that have worked really well, but we do use CBD sometimes.
Good Afternoon!
I’m interested in CBD and Parkinson’s Disease. Any info?
Thanks so much!
Hello there. I can’t make medical claims but I have seen people with tremors do well using CBD oil. You are welcome!
I have been considering CBD oil for my Aspergers/ASD teenage son, but I’m feeling an urgency now as he has recently been refusing his prescription medication for depression. I have read your blog, thanks so much for the continuing research! I was recently given contact info for a local person that sells CBD oil; I used the info in your blog to ask him questions about his product, following is his response:
I get my supplies from the mid west and the cbd’s that I get is 99% pure. All of my products are made from NON-GMO, PESTICIDE FREE, Industrial Hemp. It is grown outdoors under natural sunlight with organic practices. The oils are made with coconut oil and CBD’s and the capsules are pre measured doses of the same cbd and oil. I can make these products to suit the customers needs as far as the dose is concerned. I can make my drops in 350mg to 1000mg whatever is needed. Finding the correct dose for a certain customer is the hard part so I usually start with 350mg and upgrade as needed.
I would like to know your thoughts on this response – does it make sense, does it send up any red flags for you, are there other questions I should be asking? I’d like to buy locally, but I may just end up with one of the recommendations you have made, as I feel comfortable with your research. Thank you!
Hi Valerie – and thanks for reading, for your kind words, and for your confidence.So my thoughts are this – does this person have his product tested for contaminants like heavy metals, mold and microbials, bacterial contamination, etc.? Purium does all of that and since hemp is a detoxifier it’s used for industrial clean up, for example, I would really want that testing done. Purium tests all of their products–raw materials and finished product. I have seen their facility and talked with their owners and their microbiologist.
I agree on buying local but I can assure you that you would feel comfortable buying from and supporting Purium, should you choose to do that, after all that I have seen. I went to their convention and met both of their owners and can say that they put their heart into everything that they do.
I also would add that capsules typically don’t perform as well as liquids since much of the absorption of CBD takes place sublingually so I wouldn’t recommend capsules to anyone unless there is a compelling reason that they cannot take CBD orally.
I hope that helps and I’m more than happy to answer any other questions. Also, the 4 Corners product is great but they do not test for heavy metals and I think a few other contaminants are missing from their testing as well. Thanks again!