How to Store Nuts and Seeds

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How to Store Almonds

Have you been wondering how to store nuts and seeds?

Once each year I organize a raw almond buy that also includes other nuts, seeds and health products.  Since during the almond harvest is the only time in the U.S. when one can purchase truly raw almonds before the government pasteurizes them (did you know that some are pasteurized using PPO, which is a fuel?), we buy enough to last us the whole year, and so we need to store them properly so that they last the entire year.

Whether or not you purchase raw almonds only once per year, buying in bulk can save your family a lot of money and trips to the store.  I almost never go shopping at the grocery store because I have almost everything that I need on hand at anytime.  And with the price of gas being what it is today, the savings really add up!

In a nutshell (pun intended :-)), you can store your seeds and nuts:

  • at room temperature for at least 3 months
  • in the refrigerator for up to 6 months
  • and in the freezer for a year or more

However, I have also heard of others storing nuts in the refrigerator for one year with no problems whatsoever.  I know that our crop from the past year was stored partially in the fridge and partially in the freezer and they did not go rancid.  One person who purchased almonds with our group buy told me that she had them stored at room temperature for a whole year and that they still tasted fine.

One thing to think about is that some nutrients may deteriorate in the freezer, particularly vitamin E.  However, I am much more concerned about getting my almonds raw than about whether or not they lose some vitamin E in storage.  So I am opting to store what I can in the fridge and the rest will go in the freezer.

Now, like all other busy people, I like to keep things simple and workable, so the following steps are just like those I outlined in my post on storing prepared beans.

Here are the basics of my nut and seed storage “system”:

  1. Purchase raw seeds and nuts in bulk to save money.
  2. Transfer nuts and seeds to sturdy plastic bags (I purchase 6 x 3 x 15 inch 2 mm thick plastic bread bags from Country Life Natural Foods.  The same size bread bags are available on Amazon, but I have not tested them.).
  3. Secure bags with a Twixit Clip.
  4. Store in fridge or freezer until it is time to soak and dehydrate.
  5. After dehydrating, put nuts or seeds back in original bag, seal with clip and store in fridge or in a nice glass or plastic container for easy munching access!
How to Store Almonds, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds and Walnuts

You can, of course, choose to store your nuts in glass or plastic containers at room temperature.  Some people like to store them in canning jars for an old-fashioned pantry look.

So, that’s it!  Now you too can take advantage of the money-saving possibilities of purchasing nuts and seeds in bulk and storing them safely!

For more bulk food storage tips check out my posts on:

Do you have any other bulk food storage questions?

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    1. Hi Betty – it’s a hard thing. I did a group buy for awhile but this past year I worked with someone local to me.

  1. Adrienne, I apologize if you’ve discussed this and I’m missing it, but is it possible/beneficial to soak/sprout raw nut flours? Or does this only work when the nut is whole… I assume grinding them into flour must heat them some?

    1. Hi there. I haven’t discussed that unless it’s in a comment somewhere. I would think that if you are concerned about the anti-nutrients it doesn’t make sense b/c most of those are in the skin and typically almond flour is made from skinned almonds. Hope that helps!

      1. Thank you, Adrienne! Yes, I was mostly thinking of the anti-nutrients so that’s good to know.

  2. Would love to know where you get the non pasteurized nuts or an idea of how to find them. Amazon? Thanks

      1. not true …I saw raw almonds at health food store and with a closer look , it stated pastuerized

        1. I said that that is how it should be – they must be mislabeling. Not good :(. Or they mean “raw” as in “not roasted”.

          1. The US government will not allow the sale of completely raw almonds. They require that the nuts be pasteurized. However, you can buy unpasteurized raw almonds from a company outside the US.

  3. Hi,
    Love your site!

    How long will ground raw nuts and dried fruit last in high temp and high humidity?
    My wife and I will be trekking in a climate with 90 degree temps and90 degree humidity.
    We have have organic raw nut, seed and dried fruit trail mix but recently learned our digestive systems don’t like these items as much as we do! If I grind our trail mix in a vitamix will the trailmix spoil?
    Our trek will be 12 days, travel time 4 days, for a total of 16 days w/out refrigeration.



    1. Hi there. Sorry but I don’t know the answer to this. Nuts in the shell will for sure last longer than anything outside of the shell. Maybe you can check on a site / board that talks about travel to such countries?

  4. We buy raw almonds in a can. We were told it is best to turn the cans upside down when we put them in our pantry. What is the point of turning the can upside down?

  5. Is this still true about the PPO pasteurization? The article is quite old and I wondered if anything new has happened since the writing of that information.

    1. I have called companies fairly recently and they confirmed that their almonds have PPO on them.

  6. Sometimes I go to the trouble of soaking nuts in order to make cheez. I run out of time and stick them in the fridge after draining them. And forget them. Uff da. How long will soaked, drained nuts (usually cashews and almonds) remain good in the refrigerator after soaking and draining for the purpose of making vegan cheez?

    1. Oh boy – I have no idea but I think they would feel slimy / smell off. Possibly you could rinse them and use them if it hasn’t been that long but I’m not willing to say for sure.

  7. Would it be better to soak and dehydrate the nuts/seeds and THEN put them in an air tight container and in the freezer? Or would it be better to put the nuts/seeds into an airtight container in the freezer THEN when you need some, take them out of the freezer and then soak and dehydrate them? Would one way be better than the other to preserve the nuts for a longer time?

    1. I’m not sure – I think both are a good way to store but perhaps storing raw and soaking and dehydrating later is better.

    1. It’s the same storage rules as for raw nuts. A short time at room temp and longer in the fridge or freezer.

    2. Why freeze if you have dehydrated? But soaking & dehydrating is not necessary before freezing.
      I put mine in mason jars (sealed with my Food Saver). Some in refrig & some in Freezer.
      When I dehydrate anything, it is put in mason jars & sealed then stored on my long term shelf – which is covered with cloth to keep the light out.

  8. After dehydrating the soaked almonds, … How long can it be kept in room temperature in a plastic container?

    1. That all depends on where you store them. Room temp – not that long. Fridge or freezer would be longer. I can’t make shelf life claims but I find mine keep well in the freezer. Thanks!

  9. Hi
    I had a question about storing the sprouted nuts and seeds after dehydration.
    I read what you said on how to do it. On all the other sites I’ve looked at they say to store in refrigerator to reduce bacteria and use in short period of time. When i did this they got moist again even in a tight glass jar and lid. Also I’ve seen sprouted nuts/ seeds at whole foods in the bulk bins .
    I’m wondering how to know if the seeds/ nuts will be OK to store unrefrigerated and not have problems with bacteria

    1. Mine stored in the plastic bags didn’t seem to get moist at all so I am not sure – maybe try a food saver? I think I have friends who have used the Food Savers at room temp but I haven’t found out how to do that.