How to Make Your Drinking Water Safe

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We should all be drinking lots of water every day, meaning it’s crucial that it is as clean and pure as possible. Here’s information about how to make your tap water safe plus my choice for water filtration.

How to make tap water safe

In yesterday’s post, I gave you a lot of information showing that the drinking water coming out of your tap may not be as safe as you thought.

Today I am going to talk about water filtration choices and will share my Current Recommendation for purifying your drinking water and doing so on a budget.

Our history with water filtration is a long one.  It started years ago when my husband and I first married.

Note: Read to the end of this post. I have tried a lot of methods, and I’m so happy with where I am now. There are pros and cons to all of these systems–what you choose is up to you.

I phoned the manufacturers of various pitcher-type and faucet-mount water filtration systems to determine what to buy.  Since we were renting at the time, the cost of installing a unit didn’t make sense at the time. We later ventured out to other installed options, which I’ll cover here too.

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Water Filters We Tried

Faucet Mount Water Filter

When we were living in IL, soon after marrying, my research eventually led me to purchase PUR brand’s faucet mount filter.  It brought with it a nice set of credentials as it apparently had been endorsed and was used at the time by the U.S. Navy if memory serves me correctly.

My husband was a part time youth minister at the time and one of the youth volunteers was married to a man who was a chemical engineer.  When I shared with him the conclusion that I had come to about purchasing our PUR filter, he echoed with enthusiasm what a great filter it was, stating that he had seen the research and thought it was the best filter on the market.

PUR Counter Top

When my husband and I lived with his parents for a two-year period just before our oldest son was born, we recommended that they buy PUR’s counter-top model instead of the faucet mount.  The faucet-mount filter unit had proven itself to be heavy for some faucets, causing problems with leakage and other issues, and additionally the counter-top model was less expensive to use.

We bought the PUR Counter Top Model and loved it. Looks like they don’t make it any longer….

Multi-Pure Carbon Filter

However, after moving to Oklahoma for my husband’s first tenure-track job as a professor, I became aware of Multi-Pure carbon filters.  They were more expensive initially, but the cost per gallon analysis showed that the Multi-Pure was a clear winner.

After again doing extensive research into the amount of and types of contaminants that various filters on the market, we made a change.

Multi-Pure had a great deal at the time wherein we pre-purchased 10 filters (10 years’ worth) and the filter housing was then provided for free, resulting in significant savings.  So we were locked in for 10 years, but I felt confident in our choice.

Three years later, our oldest son was diagnosed with autism and I was having some troubling health issues. I’d been reading on and off about reverse osmosis, distillation and alkaline water, but was really confused about what the best type of water was.

So I spoke with “experts” in field and perused the internet and researched more.

I already felt that I was a bit excessive in taking my “super-duper carbon-filtered water” with me everywhere in a stainless steel bottle, but I really wanted to the best filter I could find.

There are many articles and resources that I could point you to, but here’s the “distilled version” (pun intended).

This is all about water filtration choices and what my recommendations are for purifying your drinking water and doing so on a budget. Making your tap water safe is important for your health!

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis filters were the fourth step in our water filtration journey. However, there are a lot to choose from.

We looked at the pros and cons of the system that Pure Water Products sold versus some others, but we went with the Pure Water one due to feeling we could really trust them.  In fact, I was considering a salt-free water softener as well, but Gene at Pure Water talked me out of it!

We purchased a reverse osmosis system that uses our multi-pure carbon filter as one of its filters (we had already pre-paid for these and Gene said that they were a great filter and we should save money and keep them) and then we put a remineralizing cartridge on the filter as well. 

We additionally purchased a whole house filter to remove chlorine and sediment as the negative health effects of chlorine in water are something that I wanted to avoid.

Costco also carries some reverse osmosis units that Mr. Franks said were worth considering, but some of those have expensive replacement cartridges.

Anyhow, you would have thought that at this point we had reached the final conclusion in our “Search for the Best Water Filter”, however the journey wasn’t over yet.

Concerns About Removing Minerals from Water

One of the factors to consider when choosing a water filter is, do you want to remove minerals or not?

It’s a very complicated topic. I prefer to leave the minerals intact, but here are some opposing viewpoints on this issue.

1.  One is here and mentions the dangers of drinking distilled water.  In a nutshell, the article mentions that distillation removes all minerals from the water, and removing these minerals can lead to health concerns and imbalances.

2.  The second article is written by Gene Franks, the owner of Pure Water Products.  He discusses reverse osmosis technology and compares it with distilled water in a no-nonsense manner. His thinking is that removing minerals isn’t such a big problem.

Berkey Filters

Berkey Filters are the top choice for a lot of frugal natural-minded people and for good reason. Their filters are inexpensive and retain minerals in the water. However, I have some concerns about these filters.

We moved to the Berkey after reading about reverse osmosis systems removing beneficial minerals from the water. We had a remineralizing cartridge on our RO system, which puts some minerals back into the water, but felt I wanted to go more in the natural direction and just not remove the minerals at all.

Berkey Concerns — Fluoride, Bacterial Contamination, and More

Do Berkey Filters Remove Fluoride?

Berkey became my choice for a portable water filtration system and can be great in-home if you have monitored the pH of your water.  Unfortunately, Berkey’s fluoride filtration system isn’t dependable unless your pH is in the optimal range.  The problem is that I have read varying reports about what that optimal range is, so I encourage you to do your own research.

Bacterial Growth in Berkey Filters?

Furthermore, you really need to clean the reservoir out regularly. This is the case with any filtration system that holds the filtered water.

Standing water grows bacteria and when it stands in your filter, that is no exception.

We did end up going with Berkey for awhile, and it’s a great portable option for water filtration that apparently can even filter really dirty water (think emergency situations).  I love that you can take this with you easily on a trip or camping and you can easily bring it with you if you move. This smaller unit is a great size for camping. And for a REALLY portable option, these Sport Berkeys filter right as you drink!

Heavy Metals in Berkey Filters?

In 2021, there was a report made by a consumer about heavy metals being detected in Berkey filtered water. The report seems to be legitimate, but of course anyone can report anything. It’s important to keep an open mind and find out the real data as much as possible.

If you feel still would like a Berkey after reading this (and a lot of people do trust them), here’s where you can likely get the best deal on Berkey filters (better than I can offer as they give a lifetime warranty).

You can also find Berkey here.

Berkey Buying Tips

  1. If you still wish to use the Berkey anyhow, I highly recommend that if you go with a Berkey, you purchase at least 1 size larger than you think you need. That’s the #1 complaint I hear from people–that they wish they’d bought a larger unit.
  2. If you’re going to get a Berkey despite my concerns, Irecommend the sight spigot and the Berkey primer. The sight spigot allows you to see the water level in the filter without removing the top. The primer allows you to prime the filters without using a water faucet. The priming can be pretty messy so it’s a great idea to get this.

My Favorite Water Filter

I Recommend
PureEffect Water Filters

PureEffect Water Filters

PureEffect Water Filters are possibly the BEST filters out there. They raise alkalinity and remove: Radiation, Fluoride, Pharmaceuticals, Microorganisms, Heavy Metals - VOC's, Chloramine/Chlorine, THM's, HAA's, NDMA, PFAS, Pesticides/Herbicides, Sediment/Particulate, Nano and Micro Particles/Plastics, Bad Tastes/Odors

I LOVE PureEffect filters. We’ve been using them for quite a few years and the water tastes amazing and the owner is extremely detail oriented. He set out to make the best water filter possible, and he might have done just that.

What These Filters Remove

  • Radiation
  • Fluoride
  • Pharmaceuticals (Drug Residues)
  • Microorganisms (Bacteria, Viruses, etc.)
  • Heavy Metals
  • VOC’s (petrochemical byproducts)
  • Chloramine/Chlorine
  • Disinfection Byproducts (THM’s, HAA’s, NDMA)
  • PFAS (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, etc.)
  • Pesticides/Herbicides
  • Sediment/Particulate
  • Nano and Micro Particles/Plastics
  • Nitrates and Nitrites
  • Bad Tastes/Odors & More!

For complete results you can see PureEffect Water Filter test results on their site.

You can get extra UV protection as well.  

The owner can walk you through installation if needed, doesn’t try to “upsell” you, and the filters are very reasonable.

We chose an under the counter model, but you can go with the countertop as well.

My husband isn’t that handy (sorry, honey–well, he’d tell you that himself), but he and my son installed the PureEffect Filter by themselves.

No Minerals Removed

No minerals are removed using the PureEffect filters. You can read more about the potential health problems from removing minerals from your drinking water here.

Radiation Removal

You can even get a radiation filter with this unit–amazing and very helpful especially for people on the West Coast of the US (in the wake of Fukushima).

With PureEffect, you can get either an over or under the counter filter that removes just about everything — but it does leave the natural minerals intact.

Can You Filter Softened Water with PureEffect Filters?

The answer is yes. Sodium is naturally occurring so it bypasses the filter.

Do PureEffect Filters Remove Glyphosate?

According to the EPA, glyphosate is removed effectively using activated carbon. Since the PureEffect filters have a lot of this in their filters, one should expect that glyphosate is removed using their filters.

What PureEffect Filter Should You Buy?

We bought the Under the Counter Ultra UC Disinfect.  We actually haven’t used the UV light yet but wanted it in case we needed it. If you need to save money, I would go without that.

I really love this filter system and if we didn’t have a whole house chlorine filter already, I would be purchasing one of those as well.

Do You Need a Shower Filter?

The answer is a resounding YES!

Who wants things like chlorine running all over your body?

I mean, you can use a Swim Spray after showering, but that doesn’t take care of the problem of chlorine that you inhale while showering.

Thankfully, PureEffect has a great shower filter too.

pureeffect shower filter installed in shower.

It removes Chlorine, Chlorination Byproducts, VOCs, Hydrogen Sulfide, Radon and more, and it does all of this at a great price.

Where to Buy a Tub Filter

This Bath Ball Water Filter is great quality and pretty affordable per gallon. It filters out:

  • chlorine / chloramine
  • chlorine and chloramine byproducts
  • odors
  • perfluoroalkyl polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • iron oxides / rust
  • sediment and more

and filters up to 2500 gallons before needing to be replaced.

So while there are a lot of toxins that you really don’t want in your water, there are a lot of great ways to remove the junk and enjoy truly clean water for your whole family!

How have you chosen to make your tap water safe?
If you haven’t already, what do you think you will do?

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  1. Hoping you have updated information about the best that includes nitrates and nitrites along with pesticides and heavy metals? We live in farm country with a heavy burden of those…and our Alexapure filters are now discontinued 🙁

    1. Hi Libby! I just did some research and added that information to the post. I’m looking for additional information about the glyphosate that I can hopefully add soon. Hope that helps!

    2. Also I just added a link to their testing information which shows nitrate and nitrite removal. Just wanted to make sure you saw that.

  2. Thank you so much for this! I’ve been looking for an under sink water Filtration system that removes all the bad stuff but not the good elements we need that also doesn’t waste water or get stored in plastic. Ordered the Pure Effect Ultra-UC and am so excited to try it!

    1. Hi there. I don’t but only because we already had one. That being said, I don’t like ours and might change in the future. It’s just not fun needing to spend that money again.

      Side note – if you do choose to purchase I so appreciate your using my link to help keep my free content available. Thanks in advance.

  3. Adrienne, what do you think of “Clearly Filtered”? We ditched our Berkey in favor of this based on someone else’s recommendation. Thanks! Jill

    1. Hi there. I looked and seems pretty good – what’s the cost to filter per gallon? I didn’t check the specs completely vs the one I use….I am not really a fan of water sitting in plastic, however – it’s a pitcher correct?

  4. Thanks for these recommendations for water filtration systems, I badly need one to help solve extreme water hardness issues in our home in Phoenix. Phoenix tap water is extremely hard and tastes weird which makes it undrinkable as its safety for drinking is really questionable. I’ll probably go with a reverse osmosis water softener system with multi pure carbon filter, hopefully this will be enough to make our water potable.

    1. You are so welcome. I don’t like RO for the reasons outlined in the post, but it will filter out a lot of things for sure.

  5. Since we’re going to spend a lot of our vacation time during the hot season at my brother’s beach house compound, hydration is going to be important. I wanted to know if there are ways we can get a convenient drinking water supply, and so your article helped greatly when it mentioned faucet filters being a good choice for this, mainly because there are a number of faucets all around the house compound that people would be using and so having a filter for all of them would be essential. Before I make any further decisions, it would be good for me to get a residential water treatment servicer to check our compound and see what could be done about the water supply. I’ll remember to follow your tips for any purchases going forward. Thank you!

  6. found this on the pure effect Q and A page. disappointing. says nothing more of what the pH, flow… should be in that are so I’ll have to look a bit more:


    >95%* (removed down to non-detectable levels in independent testing) *Removal % is dependant on pH, Contact Time, Flow Rate and Fluoride Concentration, and is accomplished using our proprietary FluorSorb-MAXTM cartridge, which is made of activated-carbon bonded with a natural calcium substrate and superheated to nearly 600oC. It consistently outperformed the commonly used synthetic Activated Alumina media by removing apx. 50% more fluoride.

      1. yes- go to FAQ. that takes you to questions/answers-

        10. What % of Heavy Metals, Radiation and the difficult to remove Fluoride and Chloramine can your filters remove from the water?

        that’s where u’ll find it! 🙁
        1 of the reasons u don’t use Berkeley is due to the pH effecting how well it removes flouride. If that’s the case here and there’s not specific instructions on this that’s disappointing.

        1. I’m thinking if we took a peek at what the pH was when the water was tested that would help us to know if we lived in an area with similar pH we could count on the higher probability it would remove that much flouride, also, as long as the other factors that are also not explained are in line, like it does not give specifics regarding flow and how that would effect flouride filtration… , For the rest of us, when I’ve spoken to Igor a few times he seems to say “get your water tested.” Testing after spending all the money and effort on the unit puts us back to how we started this convo with not knowing the quality of the unit in our own homes with our own water. Would be a bummer to spend all that money and effort and have the filter not remove flouride due to something that could’ve been tweaked… thx

          1. I sent Igor a message and this is what he said: “Our Fluoride media can remove Fluoride across a wide range of pH generally from 6.5-8.5.” So, that’s good. Is it still removing as much anywhere in that range, I don’t know. thanks

          2. Hi again. I think I answered this sufficiently in my other response. I think the fluoride removal should be almost complete removal b/t 5.0 and 8.0 pH levels.

        2. Hi there. Sorry for the delay. I did connect with the owner and he said that his filter removes almost all of the fluoride bt 5.0 and 8.0 pH, however pH removal can be affected by many things so he can’t be held to that. You can get your own water tested to make sure, but I’m very confident of his analysis. Hope that helps!

          1. I could check my house but I’m sure ph is the same as my pool which is 8.2 so we’re a little bit out of that range but my guess is a lot of filters are that way so I’ll go with this and hope it works out! Thank

            1. Oh wow – your pool water is that high w/o adding anything? I would think you should be in very good shape overall and I think you will LOVE the filters!!

    1. Hello Kim, which water filter pitcher did you buy b/c we live in apartment? Thank you both for your research and comments


    here’s a great article. I’m falling asleep each time I sit down to write but from what I skimmed looks like I’m prob getting the 4 filter and prob won’t bother with UV since pure effect said it’s mostly for those on wells but I might look into it a bit more. In the article I mention they brought up UV but as an option other than a filter for a particular bacteria.

    1. It’s hard to know for sure! I got it in case, but you are probably right that it’s not needed outside of an odd situation.

  8. btw did u know he has a gallon meter he sells on his parts page? that way u know when it’s time to refill. I thought testing the water would be a good way but the water meter would be easier, or an easier first step, anyway. He’s thought of that, too. 🙂

    1. Yes, we have that! Sadly once or twice we haven’t installed it correctly or something malfunctioned so we are guesstimating. This time is one of them. But I really do like it!

      1. Hello. I bought the pureeffect like Adrienne recommended. I did not get the UV since we do not have well water. It’s time to change the filters already. We haven’t used the gallons but due to time we were told to change it cuz it can form bacteria after time. Unfortunately my husband drinks RO from the bottle still since he doesn’t like the taste of the hard water that it leaves since it doesn’t take out minerals and the kids drink either the RO water cuz he leaves in the fridge and they like it cold

  9. Adrienne, Thank you for all the research you share with us! I want to share that I have decided to go with pure effect under counter filter. I agree that with everything I think that’s the best filter and choice out of the filters I’ve looked at. The only thing I can’t decide is for city water if I should get the disenfect version with the 4 filters or the 3 filter set up. He said for our family of 5 we’ll prob change filter every 4 mths, which is more often than we do now with multi pure (which is only $100 or so each year). pure effect will be between $154 or $242 depending on if we did 3 filters or 4. I spoke with Igor and looked at his website about the difference and I’m not sure I’m clear on the importance other than it’s extra assurance from things like bacterias and molds, which I’m thinking shouldn’t make it through city water with chlorine typically. I’m not sure if this is a place where I can save money as I guess I’m not as familiar with viruses or anything like that having traveled through city water. He said the UV was for well water. Any thoughts? thx!

    1. You are so welcome! If I remember correctly, it was in case of a situation when the city water had a problem. I guess it might be considered to be overkill. I don’t recall him saying that about the UV for well water. So you didn’t ask him about the 3-4 difference? I know I should know this but it’s been a long time since we bought it.

      Actually I just did some digging about bacteria and viruses in drinking water. Looks like it can be a problem. Hmmmm..

      LMK what you think!

      1. yes, what I was talking about was all regarding the 3 versus 4 filter set up. the 4 filter set up is called the “disenfect.” FOR EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF:
        I. MICROORGANISMS: (Wide-Range)
        a. Parasites (Giardia, Cryptosporidum, etc.)
        b. Bacteria
        c. Viruses
        d. Copepods
        e. Mold / Algae

        That’s super surprising about the outbreaks on the list u sent but not sure why I’m surprised at the same time. I guess I thought the chlorine would have already killed everything like viruses. It’s interesting they didn’t have anything on their site for the recent past years. It’s hard to decide as I think it does seem pretty rare! However, hepatitis…?! I guess that’d be considered a virus. How could something like hepatitis be in public drinking water and be strong enough to infect people. thx!

  10. not to overwhelm u more, but I’m watching a video on “Chris beat cancer” and the gentleman he’s interviewing is talking about how many of the supplements are not what they say they are and because the supplement industry isn’t well regulated many companies get away with it. I have a naturopath and they’ve recommended some products by DaVinci labs of Vermont, RLC labs, and pure encapsulations but I haven’t looked at research myself. Many brands I’ve used I’m not sure if they are legit. Have u ever done or thought of researching this subject (of supplement brands)? 🙂 thx!!

    1. This is for sure complicated. Every industry has corruption. I have found it in the essential oils industry and also personal care and air filters..and more. It’s disgusting. It’s hard to know…I do know that Pure Encapsulations is typically well respected but was just purchased by another company–Nestle! I would love to do that but companies don’t like all the questions :). I’ve found out the hard way (and seen others get silenced as well).

  11. On pureeffect’s website it said their flouride filter also had the benefit of raising Alkaline pH. I asked purewater if they sold anything that produced alkanized water and they said not at this time. It seems to me that these 2 companies, as well, may believe that there could be benefit to alkanized water. u researched it more than me. i’m interested in if u are able to put into words why u think it doesn’t make sense. If I were to purchase something to made alkaline water I’d need to still have a filter for flouride and contaminants. thx!

    1. Yes, it states that – but it’s to the natural pH of water.

      “PureEffect Systems use quite a different approach to raise alkaline pH within the drinking water range as found in nature (apx. 7.5 – 8.5).”

      That’s very different than the alkaline water machines.

      I am thinking it seems to be artificial and might affect digestion by altering the pH of the stomach. I am not sure that I see the science behind it being beneficial.

  12. Hi Adrienne, I think we reached the end of a thread. u commented that from your understanding uranium/radiation is hard to remove. I guess with that, if all testing is accurate, pure effect must be a great filter. I’m not sure if that can point to the probability of it taking out many other types of contaminants or if certain contaminants attach to things in media/filter or if the media/parts need to be small enough so contaminant get caught and don’t go through. Again, I’m thinking of trying to find a testing kit so I know when it’s time to change our filter…

    U don’t use a whole house filter, do u? do u know of one that u trust? I wish pure effect had one available at this time. thx!

    1. hi there. Could you rephrase the first part of your question / statement, please?

      I do have a whole house filter. I am not sure if I would do the same again. Mine is chlorine and sediment.

      1. I think the part I wasn’t clear about was wondering if pureeffect is able to take out uranium, that must point to what a great filter it is in other ways, too. I’m not sure how it removes uranium but it must remove more than has been tested as well. Even though their testing isn’t as in depth as propure they may very well remove as much, we just don’t have the results to see.

        I still need to compare the list of contaminants that are listed for Phoenix and see if they’re on the list for pure effect.

        1. You’re right on the part about removing more than it has been tested for. Same goes for things being in our bodies, water, etc., that we can’t test for b/c we don’t know what it is, or how to test for it.

      2. I also meant to ask, why u r not sure if you’d do a whole house filter again. Is your through pureeffect?

        We have a salt water pool so we are exposed to that sort of chlorine and often times I put the shower filters on the shower heads but I know I don’t change them as often as I should. I guess the other benefits to a whole house filter are that u rn’t getting chlorine when u’re washing hands and it’s not getting in the air when flushing toilets and using water… I’m not sure how much it does get in the air and I do know that chlorine off gasses from when i used to do aquaponics.

        i’ve read that in a typical home there are more pollutants than outside. here in Phoenix and with how much I love fresh air, I air out the house quite a bit so I’m not that worried about that but to some degree I do wonder how much does the off gassing effect us.

        as far as sediment, do u know the reason to remove sediment and what is actually classified as sediment? i always figured that was dirt or pieces of the plumbing piping or whatever for a city dweller…

        1. I would do one. Just not sure if I would keep what I have or do something different. Perhaps I misspoke. Mine was through another company before I knew about PureEffect. I think avoiding the chlorine is really important. Removing sediment helps w/ not having the sediment enter your faucets and other filters.

          For air filtration / purification, that is crucial. I am a dealer for Austin Air and I also work with this company. I LOVE their technology and have a lot of their products. I can assist with choosing things for your home if you would like and can give you a nice discount for shopping with me–typically in the form of free products, etc.

          I LOVE their PureWash for the washing machine. No more sorting, no more detergent, no more warm or cold water and my laundry smells CLEAN and so does my washing machine!

          If you would like info on discounts for Austin Air or Green Tech, just reach out here or email me at wholenewmom {at} gmail {dot} com, or adrienne {at} wholenewmom {dot} com.

  13. I looked back and I see what u meant by limiting threads. 🙂
    I had a good convo with woman at pure water products. They seem like an honest little company. She said she though it was best to keep my multi-pure as it does get rid of arsenic and I think she said their’s doesn’t. If I went with hers she described what I’d do and was very helpful with options… I’ve been looking at the electrolyzed reduced water which I think is the same as alkaline ionized water (but not visa versa). Seems the big distributor is Kangen and there are other distributors that are less $ but with being a multi marketing thing, I think, I’m still not sure if I’m on their actual web page while I look through the Q and As…

    Lots of Docs promoting it. I haven’t found any testing on what it removes. Focus has been on pH and antioxidants from what I have seen so far.

    1. My take at present is that alkaline water doesn’t make sense and that’s basically what electrolyzed reduced water is. Would you agree? I don’t mind MLMs if they are done ethically but I don’t think alkalinizing makes sense. I’m looking into some other options but right now that’s not my preference. I think if you are looking at antioxidants looking elsewhere makes more sense. I will reach out to you via email as well.

      1. sorry, I’ve been so busy with this remodel. I agree that it seems electrolyzed reduced water is alkaline water. It’s still difficult not to shrug off some of the videos I saw from docs that seem legit. I couldn’t see hopping on, though, where I’ve seen no focus on filtration which is key for me. It does make me wonder if we’re missing out on something, but at the same time I was thinking about how kombucha and other fermented foods are acidic and considered healthy. Sorry, if I’m repeating myself…

        1. I personally don’t think that alkaline water makes sense. I’m still researching as I have time but I think other things might and could be very therapeutic and that filtration is crucial, of course.

  14. I’m not able to comment under your last comment for some reason.

    There’s a long list of the things that has been taken out on the propur pitcher from a lab. Supposively “the most tested filter.” I believe the ones pureeffect got done were on the equipment, on flouride, and on uranium. I’m sure there are many more items that are removed but do we have an idea what is removed and how much? I was surprised when the NSF told me not even RO removes everything and each RO system is different. Then she told me to tell her exactly what I wanted removed and she could create a list of filters that will do that. For the pitcher filter (it looks like a brita basically) there are 7 pages of lab results. Propur also has NSF testing on the materials or something like that…

    The reason I’m wanting to get a pitcher filter now to to immediately get the flouride out of our water, at least, while I spend more time researching which larger house system I want to get and with the remodel we aren’t going to install the new system until the cabinets are in… We don’t demo kitchen for a mth or 2 so it may be 3-4 mths or so and I dont’ want to install and tear it out in a mth and I dont’ want to wait for clean water either so the pitcher seems like a good temporary option to add to our current multi pure and to use later as a secondary filter-maybe it’ll take out things the other filter won’t?! Also, seems like a good idea for camping perhaps…

    1. Pretty sure we have a limit set on how many deep a comment thread can go. Propur only removed 90% of fluoride. I’m not a fan of that. Is that filter sufficient for camping water? That’s a whole different ballgame than filtering municipal water.

      1. I just realized u wrote. I’m seeing higher #s on how much water propure removes but I’m also having to do some math because they measure in Ug/L vs pure effect measures in mg/g or something like that. I might be getting it mixed up. I have printed out different materials and I have to sit down and compare still. There are different systems so when you bring up camping I wonder if u are looking at the gravity filter? I bought the pitcher for now while I figure out which under sink and whole house filter i will buy during remodel. the pitcher is inconvenient for a household of 5 who drinks a lot of water but I’m glad to have it for now.

        if u mean we will get cut off due to limit, good to know. If I should hold off on comments pls let me know! feel free to email me…

        1. Hi again. I thought it wasn’t a measurement but a percentage that I saw. I can’t find it now on their site but I found it in several places.

          1. u r right with the 90% flouride removal for the under the sink model. The pitcher has 97.% removal for sodium flouride and 94% Hexafluorosilicate. The person at propure directed me to this and I believe they said there was a 3rd kind of flouride. When you do a search just with “fl” all kinds of words come up and I’m unclear if they are related. With just a quick google search for flouride synonyms this is what I got: “fluoride | definition: a salt of hydrofluoric acid | synonyms: boron trifluoride, stannous fluoride, sulphur hexafluoride, sulfur hexafluoride, halide, hydrogen fluoride is the web’s best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.”

            Propure’s testing shows the concentration in the water and the % reduction after filtering. Sodium flouride pre filtration (if I’m reading it right) is 8.0 mg/L which is pretty high if I’m correct (so I wonder if I’m reading it right).

            On the other hand, if propure only removes 90% with the under the counter unity I’m not too impressed. If it removes 90% of 2.0 mg/L (that’s the amount listed with the under the counter filter), since most of our water has much less (Phoenix is .7 or .07), maybe it removes almost all of it?

            Pure Effect was tested with .7 flouride in water and afer none detected. Less guessing there if u have .7 like Phoenix does. The thing Propure has that Pure effect doesn’t have is a much longer list of contaminants, which doesn’t mean they aren’t being removed, just not tested. One thing I did clear up for myself was seeing the 5 pg list of contaminants pure effect had besides flouride.

            I don’t see uranium on propure’s list and it’s interesting that it’s tested separately for pure effect along with flouride and chloramine.

            One limitation with pure effect for now is their whole house unit is not available for while.

            It’d be nice to piggy back filters from different vendors to probably have more contaminants removed.

            With this, I’m very interested in the other filter u r looking into and I am again more interested in pure effect.

            I hope this all made sense as I was interrupted in the middle of it. thx!

            1. Yes, good point. The special thing about the PureEffect filters is that they are removing uranium–you can see this on their site. The PureEffect removes radon. Their 2, 3, and 4 chamber units have 3 different types of activated carbon. The EPA recommend granular, which they have, and they also have a much more thorough powdered (compressed) carbon.

      1. I believe they are different. I probably have 100 tabs open on my computer right now between this and other things. It’s all becoming a jumble. 🙂

        From what I recall there are several videos from docs promoting the electrolyzed reduced water (probably all from the same source?) and the structured water was more of something one guy came up with and I believe Dr. Mercola likes. I read on a science page that someone said Dr. Mercola was close with one of his comments but was a bit off and they talked about the science side and debunked it. Confusing to me not being much of a scientist. 🙂

        1. They are different. I made a call about the electrolyzed water today. I will be looking into it more. You have to filter, however unless the filtration system on it is sufficient.

          Feel free to stay in touch about that. I hope to sort it all out.