5 Reasons You’re NOT Losing Weight
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Despite my eating a sugar-free candida diet for quite some time, I still have struggled on and off with keeping my weight where I want it to be.
Most of us have been fighting the scales our whole lives.
Some people try all kinds of things – diets, low carb, no carb, loads of exercise programs, extra fiber…..even crazy diets like The Grapefruit Diet, The Peanut Butter and Jelly Diet (YIKES!) and more. They do these crazy things and then hop off the scale, only to find that they’re not losing weight.
Today, we’re going to talk about 5 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight and how to lose weight in a healthy sustainable way.
We’ll talk about the problems with most of the dietary thinking in the market these days, find out why you’re not losing weight, and get on the road to better health.
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5 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight
Reason One: You’re On a Diet
If you’re not losing weight it might be because you are trying to do so!
You’ll lose weight on a low-calorie diet… for a while. You’ll be hungry, but never mind, by sheer willpower you’ll persevere… for a while. Then when your resolve runs out, as statistics indicate it will, you’ll gain back the weight, plus a probable post-diet bonus:
a few extra pounds.
Low-calorie diets simply don’t work long-term and can have bad consequences. The scientific community has known this since the Minnesota starvation experiment, carried out over 60 years ago.
Frankly, you know this too.
Reason Two: You Aren’t Eating Whole Foods
When you allow yourself to be swayed by product claims such as:
“it’s heart healthy”, “part of a balanced diet,” or “sugar-free.”
A lot of foods seem that they would be a good choice for you to help you lose weight, but in reality they won’t, and might in fact end up sabotaging your weight loss goals.
Eating more whole foods will help to fill you up and satisfy both your taste buds and your hunger, so you will end up likely eating fewer calories, which can naturally lead to weight loss.
Reason Three: You Count Calories
Computing and calculating bite after bite won’t get you where you want to go. Calorie counting shifts the focus from food quality to numerical values instead of nutritional quality.
But your body knows that a 700-calorie factory-made instant meal is not the same as a 700-calorie nutrient-dense, whole food dinner. A multitude of factors, particularly hormones, control hunger, metabolism rate, and weight.
It’s considerably more sophisticated than a simplistic calculation of calories in – calories out.
Reason Four: You Hate Your Body
That picture of the model you pasted on your fridge? You don’t look like her.
In fact, the model that posed for the picture doesn’t look like her either. That woman’s been preened and prepared by personal trainers, stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists, and photographed by top photographers under ideal lighting conditions.
And since that’s not enough, she’s been photoshopped to create a wondrous, mythical creature who does not exist in nature.
You might as well compare yourself to a unicorn – ha!
Weight loss motivated by “I hate my body” rather than “I want to improve my health” is born in negativity.
How about eating real food because it’s delicious and nourishing rather than crash dieting because you can’t stand yourself. What a healthy concept!
Reason Five: You Eat Low Fat
Surely it’s that horrid saturated fat (consumed for millennia) that’s causing the obesity epidemic. Odd how obesity levels began to climb in the late 70s, right around the time the “Dietary Goals for the United States” report got Americans to replace fats, meat, and eggs with lots of complex carbohydrates and fiber.
While experts can’t agree on what’s causing the obesity epidemic, common sense indicates one thing:
Weight gain has been out of control for only a few decades.
Part of the answer might be found in foods we’ve been eating lots of lately–packaged, processed white flours and sugars rather than whole foods that have been nourishing people for centuries.
See 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating More Fat for more fat facts to chew on.
How to Lose Weight Sustainably
Basically, though it’s easier to lean on fads, in order to lose weight, one needs to eat fewer calories than one expends. So go back over the list of potential barriers here, and see which ones you can address.
Hopefully as you work on these issues, you will find that you are eating healthier and that your weight ends up being where you’d like it to be.
Why do you think that you’re not losing weight?
My functional practitioner recently prescribed a compounded semaglutide for me. I have struggled with weight gain during a very difficult divorce, and it has caused my blood pressure and apnea to be so much worse. However, I could not take the semaglutide. Nausea and pain. But another practitioner recommended a natural supplement that supposedly caused the body to increase its production of GLP one. I looked into it, but it’s an MLM. I’m wondering if there’s another healthy option. I would love for you to look into this.
For reference, I don’t eat sugar or flour, I have been gluten-free and basically eating keto for about 14 years. I eat protein, lots of veggies, fat, some fruit. Organic, food made it at home. I exercise regularly in ways that I enjoy, Zumba and biking. It seems like I’m doing everything right, but still struggling with weight.
Hi Kris. I think I know the supplement you are talking about, but not sure (the MLM one). Could you tell me the name?
Typically weight loss is all about addressing basic things like not eating too much and exercise. Sounds like you are doing the right things, however, unless you are overeating.
Do you think overeating is going on or that the weight gain is related to stress?
Happy to help. Side note, have you heard about mewing? It’s just an idea to help with the apnea while you are dealing with this.
Lifevantage MindBody GLP1
I am sure I must be eating too much, although stress is the driver. I am making an effort to eat more protein as that tends to keep my appetite under control.
I’m familiar with the company. I’m guessing, based on what I see in their flagship product, that you can get something similar much cheaper. But it seems that their product is geared towards hunger and weight loss where you are talking about stress, so it might not even work for you. Hard to know. So you are getting hungry a lot? I know that eating carbs with fat is good for sugar control but it also contributes to weight gain.
I am testing out some patches that would be an option. Though they are an MLM they are a lot less than $180 – $200 a month. It’s $45 a month for their one that typically ups metabolism and some people pair it with another one that would bring the cost to $90. So that’s one option, or I also like this company a lot. Here’s their Slim Down Trio https://www.perfectsupplements.com/Slim-Down-Trio-p/slim-down-trio.htm?click=74331 Code WNM or wholenewmom gets 10% off (It’s wnm now but I might change it over to wholenewmom since almost all my codes are wholenewmom).
That’s out of stock right now but some of the pieces are not like this. https://www.perfectsupplements.com/Perfect-African-Mango-p/africanmango-60.htm/?Click=74331
Let me know what you think.
If you need to address stress, are you taking adaptogens?
The African mango looks very interesting. I may try that. I already use one of the products in their trio that you recommended, the oxy powder.
I am addressing stress and feel like I’ve gotten on top of it for the most part. I’ve done a lot of somatic healing, etc.. And yes, I do take adaptions. I have never heard of mewing?
After a brief look online at mewing, it comes under the exercises that my sleep dentist gave me. She has thrown her hands up and said the only thing left for me is to do laser treatment in my throat. $1000 for two sessions, no insurance, no guarantees!
My father did the surgery and it didn’t help. It’s not cheap but have you looked at Vivos? Is your apnea severe?
I don’t have Vivos, But I do have an oral apnea device. I have adjusted to it, but it is cranked up about as far as my job will allow, and it still hasn’t stopped the apnea. It’s hard to tell from their website, exactly what it is, but I am pretty sure that my insurance will not go for another device. Even with insurance, I had to pay almost $1000 for this one.
I already know from prior experience, that if I will lose the weight, the apnea will stop. That is why I am so motivated to work on my weight.
I think I need to adjust my earlier statement. I believe I gained weight due to stress, but now I struggle to lose weight because I am eating too much.
What do you have?
Gotcha. I figured it was something like that. Well it’s good you feel confident that losing the weight will help. Vivos actually moves your bone. So my jaw is now I believe 10 mm wider since getting it. Again, not cheap and insurance doesn’t always cover any of it, but I was developing apnea and was considering surgery and this came across my desk.
I do know that losing weight will stop the apnea. I was on a CPAP for several years, and when I lost weight, the apnea went away.
Well that’s good news at least! I think that mango is a great idea and then you could add on that other product since you have the oxy ingredient. Will look forward to seeing how it works for you!
Can you tell me a little about the Vivos, please? How much did it cost, how long did it take, how long have you been off of it? And do you have to use anything else for your apnea now?
I did some research online about it, it sounds very interesting except I ran across somebody who said it caused tooth tipping in him. That is scary.
Also, can you please send me more info on the patches? Or a link, with specifics on which ones do what?
Sure! It’s not cheap but pricing varies and so does insurance. I found big differences in costs in our area. Time can vary as well. I had to go slow b/c of issues w/ my teeth. I think I was in mine for 3 years – wow. But I think typically it’s 1 or so.
I didn’t have a diagnosis but I did have a lot of breathing episodes and I was getting very stuffy easily w/ colds and now I rarely ever do. In fact, I think I only had a stuffy nose once in 3 years!
I am working on mewing some now and am doing aligners which should help a bit more b/c my teeth were pointing in some.
For the patches, there are 2 types. For the one, it’s easier if you join a Facebook group for one because there’s so much info, but here’s the link. https://lifewave.com/wholenewmom
I would try the Energy Enhancers I think but there are other things that might help.
The other company is here and I would try Ignite and maybe Liberty. wholenewmom.com/superpatch
Happy to talk about any of this more.
Oh the tooth tipping is only an issue if you go too fast. A good dentist shouldn’t let that happen. Again, my situation wasn’t an easy one and I’m doing great considering.
This article was very informative.
Hi every body,
Diet is not about losing weight, it’s about eating right. Read Grain Brain and you will understand Paleo Diet. Sugars cause inflammation, which ages us. Marketing is damage you up. A slice of whole wheat bread is probably the worst thing you can put in your mouth. It’s about putting gas in your engine, not diesel. And yes arthritis is gone, the bags under my eyes are gone and as a side effect, went from 180 to 152. Don’t knock it till you try it. And you have to put the alcohol away.I used to have big problems with lose weight tips, but am getting in better shape now. Here’s a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great methods and and showed me what I was doing wrong before…there’s even lots of free articles on the site…
I dont see the link to the article?
Thank you about this article. it’s very great for me and i thinks weight loss always difficult, if you want to lose fat fast just try your best.
You are welcome. 🙂
Great suggestions about why people are not losing weight. It is hard for everyone to let go of all these out dated notions that are still heavily promoted in the mainstream press! Thanks for offering alternative information
I recently changed to a plant based diet/lifestyle. I also avoid gluten and try to keep grains to a minimum when possible. I have found that I feel incredible, never hungry and have no desire to “cheat” because this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I think whatever diet is great for your individual needs is the change you need to make. This post, even though it promotes a paleo diet, is on the money.
These comments are so interesting. I guess it really goes to show we all need to do what works…though our needs could really change as time goes on too, huh?
I too have been plant based for 6 weeks now. I feel amazing. Last few days I started to cheat with a bite here and there. I can clearly see that I get very sick from all dairy, corn & anything that is greasy. I am choosing not to eat meat, but when I do, it doesnt make me sick. I really think the dairy is the #1 things I will never eat again.
I had quite a few health conditions and generally felt terrible around 4 years ago. I lost some weight by eating paleo plus white rice to support my adrenals and metabolism. Then I kept working on resting and resting because I had adrenal fatigue. Then I carefully chose a dentist that knew how to SAFELY remove mercury fillings. Then I lost more weight. Then I took some rounds of samento (cat’s claw), and banderol. I felt bad while I was taking them (die off). I worked on my liver health and lost more weight. This took years but I feel good now and have lost all my extra weight (No cellulite either!). This is the very short version of my story. 🙂 There is alot more on my blog. Here is part of my story: https://www.familyhomehealth.blogspot.com/2014/06/food-as-medicine-for-incurable.html. By the way I found this blog during my health journey and it helped my alot!
Hi, Adrienne. Great article!
A year ago, we went wheat-free. Within a week, my tummy bloat was gone and the pain I have from crohn’s disease had nearly disappeared. Eventually, we started following the paleo way of eating combined with low god-map guidelines. I lost about 7 pounds. Not down to the weight of my thirties, but not bad! Especially since my tummy was flat again.
Then, my (holistic) doctor found another problem in my system and put me on a low carb high fat diet. Wow! My husband joined me in this diet two full months ago. I am now clearer headed and my body feels healthier than it has in years. (Fats are a problem with crohn’s so I am also taking enzymes to help me digest them.)
Now, I AM back to the weight I was in my 30’s. I look and feel fit and have lost 2 clothing sizes (from size 10 to size 6 over the past year, but mostly over the last 2 months.). There are very few carbs coming through so my brain and body have gone back to burning fat for energy. Just like they’re supposed to do.
Of course, we are very careful about our fat sources and still follow the paleo way of life, just with an added twist.
my typing is atrocious. I meant FOD-MAP
That’s so interesting. Did you read the comment that was first on this post? I think it must be that everyone is different or perhaps there is something else going on like a kind of inflammation or adrenal issues.
I didn’t see any comments until finishing my own, but I did read both Norma’s and your comments. Norma, I know what it’s like to live daily feeling awful and am so sorry that the things you’re trying are leaving you feeling ill. I go to a holistic MD (almost an oxymoron). What I love is that he looks at my personal whole picture before suggesting any protocols or medicines. I have regular doctors who are excellent, too, but he is best at this and the only one who ties everything together. I think you would greatly benefit by finding someone like him to take a separate look at what’s going on. Having lived my entire life with a chronic illness, and know that a great doctor can make a world of difference in your quality of life.
I’ve also found (and I’m NOT saying Norma didn’t do this) that the ratios of fat to protein to net carbs is very important in a LCHF diet. My best ratios are slightly different from my husband’s but they’re in a similar range. 65-75% Fat, 25-30% Protein, and roughly 5-7% net carbs. Too much protein can also keep the body from running efficiently. And too little fat leaves me headachy and tired. I am not even close to being an expert, This is just what we’re finding as we muddle along.
I have been on the paleo way of eating for 4 weeks and haven’t noticed any changes……… no weight loss, I don’t feel any better, I don’t sleep better, in fact I think I sleep worse. Any idea what is going on?
I have eating nutrient dense foods for about 6 years now……..when I was eating grains I soaked them and actually felt better on grains. I have been good on paleo though……no grains, no dairy except for a bit of parmesan cheese here and there. 🙂
I have eaten low and carb for quite some time now and nothing happens with my weight. I have insulin resistance so I thought low carb would be the ticket but not. I even tried the keto diet and that really screwed me up, my blood work was all messed up.
I am really frustrated and don’t know which way to turn.
And yes I do eat a ton of vegetables. Just not sure what is missing here.
Thanks……. for your time. 🙂
Hi Norma. I am sure Ruth will drop by to answer. I have a few thoughts….I know that for some reason some people need more carbs – are you eating enough? I will say that I started a short exercise program that really helped me. of course I can’t medically advise, but have you looked at your thyroid and adrenals? I am going to be sharing about the exercise soon but I can share w/ you if you like. Hang in there.
Thank you Adrienne,
I do take Armour for thyroid and an adrenal support. I also take nascent iodine. I have been to several natural docs so as far as those go, I think I am on the right path. There’s something missing and I read, read, read, trying to find the missing link.
I don’t really feel bad just doing every day chores etc. I don’t seem to have the energy I would like and I guess that is my goal with this Paleo diet. I will keep on keeping on and see if something gives here pretty soon. 🙂
What is your thyroid disease, Norma? Are you hypothyroid? Thanks. I have read that 90% of those w/ hypo has Hashimotos and my practitioner (and others) have told me that typically those w/ Hashis cannot take iodine. I would look into that. Happy to refer you to my practitioner if you like. Have you had your antibodies checked? This post might help. https://wholenewmom.com/health-concerns/tsh-hypothyroid-thyroid-test/
This is not medical advice, of course. Please check w/ your physician prior to changing your supplements or diet.
HI Norma
I know it’s been a year or so since your question. I used to sleep terribly! Simply terribly! Should I, could I suggest the high carb, low fat diet? Look into the Starch Solution from Dr.McDougall. If you ask your Dr. they will probably poo poo it. I don;t know all your health issues, but there is no harm reading about the Starch Solution. The day after I began the Starch Solution I slept like a baby. Every night since. My energy is increased, I feel good! Cheers!