4 Ways to Use Baking Soda for Beauty
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You probably have used baking soda to deodorize your fridge or for baking, but did you know that this inexpensive common ingredient can be a miracle worker for your beauty routine too?
Here are some great ways to use baking soda for beauty. And the great news is, you likely already have some in your home.

Do you need to spend a heap of money to have natural beauty?
Strategic marketing tells us we need the most expensive products on the market to nourish our skin. Companies infer that we can’t fight oily skin, acne or wrinkles without their latest innovation.
The truth is, beauty care is a multibillion dollar industry that comes with more than a monetary price.
Watchdog groups like the Environmental Working Group, continue to provide evidence that many of the chemicals found in today’s beauty care products are carcinogenic, estrogenic and hazardous. (check out EWG’s Skin Deep Database for more.)
But—-can we really keep our skin healthy and beautiful with all natural ingredients?
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What is Baking Soda?
Baking soda is one of the most beneficial and versatile compounds when it comes to our skin.
It’s also cheap and readily available.
What exactly IS baking soda, anyway?
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a salt. Once termed saleraturus (latin for aerated salt), baking soda is derived from the mineral natron found in mineral springs.
Baking soda has a pH of 8, which is close to the 8.0 pH of sea water. (Washing soda has a pH of 11 which is too harsh for skin, but effective for cleaning.)
Wondering how to use baking soda in your natural beauty regimen?
Baking Soda Uses for Natural Beauty
Baking soda is, of course, typically used for (you guessed it)–baking. However, outside of baking, baking soda is well known as a natural scrub / cleaner, and even a natural remedy for various ailments. It is used for acid reflux, has been touted as a possible benefit for those with autoimmune disease, and is regarded as one of the best natural remedies for poison ivy.
However, baking soda can really shine as a natural beauty help. How? Let me count the ways….
1. Tooth Powder
Store bought toothpastes contain numerous additives such as triclosan, fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate. Baking soda, in combination with sea salt, makes an outstanding homemade tooth powder.
Concerned about the possible abrasiveness of baking soda? All toothpaste must be tested for abrasivity. Baking soda has one of the lowest scores with a rating of 7, while Crest has a rating of 95. See a list of RDA ratings here.
2. Deodorant
We all want to avoid stinking. Unfortunately, conventional deodorants contain questionable ingredients like phthalates, triclosan and aluminum.
Since lymph nodes are present in high numbers in and around the armpits, it makes sense to seek out a more natural approach.
Because of its alkaline nature, baking soda has the ability to neutralize unpleasant acidic odors. This is why a box of baking soda works well in the fridge. The same principle applies to perspiration. Baking soda neutralizes the acidic compounds released in sweat.
Homemade deodorant can be as simple as baking soda sprinkled under the arm. Or you can combine it with arrowroot powder, herbs and essential oils for an effective homemade deodorant powder.
3. Bath Salts
Baking soda added to bathwater helps neutralize the acids on the skin, resulting in softer healthier skin.
You can add even more benefits by making homemade bath salts by adding sea salt and/or Epsom salt as well. Your bath can then really become a relaxing, rejuvenating and detoxifying experience.
4. Microdermabrasion
Do we really need to spend a fortune to exfoliate our skin? Esthetician Stephanie Tourles offers a refreshing perspective in her book Organic Body Care Recipes. Tourles offers many recipes that she says rival high-end spa treatments.
One of them is to simply use baking soda and water.
“It’s safer and won’t ever leave your skin red or irritated, because of gentle hand application. If this treatment is used on a regular basis, your skin will achieve almost the same results as mechanical microdermabrasion, without having its protective shield compromised.”
{From Adrienne: Isn’t this great? I love these fantabulous ideas. And now I can continue to purchase those embarrassingly large bags of baking soda at Costco knowing I will have PLENTY of things to use them for :)!
I’m ready to start trying all of these out–to save money and be more naturally beautiful!}
Are you ready to save money and nourish your skin?
Do you use baking soda in your personal care?
Andrea is a former journalist and the mother of nine children ranging in age from 28 to 12. Following a toxic mold exposure, Andrea and her family discovered the wonders of natural living. Andrea is the founder and president of momsAWARE, an educational organization designed to empower others to live healthy in a toxic world. You can follow her family’s journey at It Takes Time. She is also the owner of Just SoNatural Products.
Thank you Andrea! I just started making my own tooth powder (sometimes a paste with bentonite clay). I love using baking soda. Thanks for the great post.
Oh, that detox bath is calling my name! Great post! I need to get more baking soda!
I’m excited to try these beauty recipes. I’ve been experimenting over the last few months with natural alternatives and I am already seeing great results. If you’re interested in sharing more natural living tips, I do a blog hop on Fridays. You can enter last week’s up until this Thursday at noon.
Such wonderful advice! Thanks for the post.
I use baking soda for all of these uses except for bath salts. Sadly, here in Costa Rica most homes have only showers. I love it and even my husband uses it as a tooth powder.
Interesting! Our friends were just in CR about 1 year ago. They loved it.
I use my refrigerator/freezer box of baking soda to clean my sinks and then replace with a new box. No sense in throwing out what can be recycled to clean!
Yes. I totally agree with that no waste idea!!!
I also like using coconut oil, baking soda and a couple of drops of rose hip oil.
The link in my name is a post I wrote on baking soda. I LOVE that stuff! The best use I’ve found yet was to treat UTIs. The thought is that baking soda is basic and when you have a UTI it’s because you are too acidic. So it raises the pH level of your body when you ingest it. I can’t say it’s foolproof, but it’s been working wonders for me.
Which reminds me- I need to go out and buy another Costco-sized bag. Ours is almost gone!
Hi Sarah. I hope you don’t mind but the site came up in an odd way so I had to delete the link. Thanks though!
I’m interested in your post, Sarah, especially the info related to UTIs. Maybe the link would work better on Adrienne’s Facebook page?
I’ve heard baking soda for UTI as well. From what I understand those with digestive problems and/or stomach acid issues need to be careful with baking soda because it can raise the stomach acid which can create more problems. Everyone is unique and it sounds like it it is a good match for you, Sarah and lots of others.
I’m glad to be reminded about Costco! I generally buy it in bulk from Azure Standard.
I love Andrea (and her husband!)- wonderful people.
I have been using baking soda for my hair and face for years. I wash my face once a week in my weekly shower with just baking soda. I use baking soda followed up by apple cider vinegar for my hair. I clean with it. I brush my teeth with it. Good stuff!
I know – I’ve followed them for YEARS on the radio – and now we meet again. And believe it or not we went to the same college :).
And you can also use baking soda in cleaning! Multiple uses for such a cheap product! 🙂
What is the purpose of the helichrysum oil? I have heard of it, and find it in some recipes I have for beauty products, but don’t know what it’s purpose is in them.
BTW: I have been making and using my own toothpaste for several years, now. I love it! Haven’t used deodorant for almost a decade, and NEVER stink, I do sweat, but it doesn’t smell bad, I believe, due to my eating habits and eating only organic and mostly, meatless. (I’m NOT vegetarian, I just eat meat rarely). I consume eggs daily, though. When I do want a bit more protection from smelly ‘pits, I use coconut oil with a bit of essential oils mixed in…. does wonders! No, it doesn’t stain clothing, either….
Baking soda has been my “go-to” for many, many years, and I use it for just about everything!
Great posts!
Great question! Helichrysum is an expensive, prized essential oil. Mine has lasted 2 years and I still have plenty so it is a very good investment. Here are the properties of helichrysum listed on Mountain Rose Herbs.
“Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, astringent, cholagogue, cicatrizant, diuretic, expectorant, hepatic, nervine, stimulant.”
It works great with the baking soda. I can’t say enough about it.