Is Stevia Safe or Is It a Danger to Your Health?

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Have you heard scary things about stevia dangers–that it might be tied to infertility, genetic mutations, and more? It’s frightening stuff, for sure.

Join me as I dig into all the research in this post to find out if stevia is safe or if it’s a sweetener you should avoid.

stevia products with text overlay for post about stevia safety

I’ve been using stevia for a long time, ever since I tried to get off of sugar.

We use powdered stevia extract, and I’ve even figured out a way to make Homemade Liquid Stevia Drops.

Well, after literally YEARS of using stevia, imagine my fear when a friend forwarded a post to me by a blogger who gave up stevia, claiming it was super dangerous.

I wanted to ignore it and stick my fingers in my ears and say “lalalalalala” until I made my next treat with stevia, like these no-bake coconut cookies, snickerdoodle cookie dough balls, or homemade chocolate chips.

But I had to know if something we eat a lot of was potentially that dangerous.

So into the research I dove.  

It took a long time, but today I’ll go through the concerns one by one so you can see the conclusion that I came to and why and then decide for yourself what you think.

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What Is Stevia?

Stevia is a super sweet sweetener that doesn’t feed candida, so it’s used by many who want to have something sweet without the bad “side effects” of sugar. You can buy it as a whole herb, a ground herb, as a white refined powder plain or added to other sweeteners and fillers, or in a liquid form.


– doesn’t feed candida
may help with blood sugar regulation
– doesn’t cause caries (tooth decay)
– may reduce blood pressure when it is too high
– has no calories

What’s not to love?

Is Stevia Safe?

Here are some of the claims floating around about the negative effects of stevia.

it can cause infertility
has a hormonal structure
it can act as a mutagen and cause cancer
it taxes the adrenals
causes hormone issues
causes hypoglycemia
lowers blood pressure
has dangerous additives
high in oxalates
tastes bitter YIKES!!!!!

Before you go panicking and throw your stevia in the garbage, read on.

stevia products with text overlay for post about stevia safety, collage

My Thoughts On Concerns About Stevia Safety

Unhealthy Additives

Stevia sold in stores and online is sometimes mixed with fillers and flavor enhancers like:

– maltodextrin
– glycerine (I use this for low carb baking anyway and don’t really have a problem with it as long as it’s not made from GMO soy)
– dextrose
– cellulose
– the ubiquitous undisclosed “natural flavors”

I’m sorry but this is simply a ridiculous argument.

While bloggers who make this point about stevia safety are correct to point out that there are often unsavory things added to stevia, this is the equivalent of saying that we shouldn’t eat meat because it’s often mixed with nitrates, the cows are often fed antibiotics or it is made into hotdogs.


That would be Pure Stevia Extract.

Like I said, however, I don’t really have a problem with glycerine and often I have called companies that have “natural flavors” on their label only to find that their flavorings were completely natural extracts only. So sometimes the “natural flavors” aren’t so scary after all and it isn’t necessarily a problem to buy stevia with additional ingredients – just do your homework.

Pay attention to the labels on the stevia you are considering buying.  And the price.

If the price looks too good to be true, chances are that the stevia in question has fillers. On to the next argument.

Stevia Tastes Terrible

Yes, some stevia is sub par.

Some is just bad and even pretty horrendous-tasting. But if you do your research, you can find great tasting stevia.

I have always loved NuNaturals, but I am now possibly on the hunt for a replacement as they’ve changed their formula. It’s still pretty good but I have a thing about finding “the best” (like with essential oils). Of course, if you use too much stevia in baked goods and the like, you just might get a bitter aftertaste, but there are ways around that.

If you use less, or use stevia with other sweeteners, you can by and large avoid that problem.

Check out these posts for more info:
Stevia – What it Is and How to Use It
6 Tips to Really Like Stevia – This one is written by a former stevia hater and has some GREAT tips for avoiding the bitter aftertaste.

I’m working on choosing some more brands to recommend to you – but it’s taking awhile.  Hang in there!

Adrenal Problems

Is stevia safe for people with adrenal fatigue?

The argument here is that:

-you eat stevia
– your body expects glucose because it tastes something sweet
– your body lowers blood sugar (causing hypoglycemia) since it is clearing the way for glucose -your body sends cortisol and adrenaline to create sugar from your tissues. Thus you are causing stress on the adrenals by eating stevia.

I couldn’t find any research to back this up. All I can say is that my adrenal issues are far better now, after years of eating stevia, than they were when I was eating sugar.

Plus there are plenty of places where folks recommend stevia over and above sugar and higher glycemic sweeteners in order to heal adrenal issues including here and here.

I just don’t see enough evidence of this for it to merit giving up stevia.  I do think that perhaps one could just not drink non caloric drinks with only stevia and make sure that stevia is consumed with other calories to mitigate any possible effect.

One important thing to note is that those who make this claim appear to be of the mindset that candida is not caused or aggravated by sugar consumption. I beg to differ.

Yes,  candida is a complex issues, but yeast DEFINITELY feeds off of sugar. Just bake some homemade bread to see how it works and it’s plain as day.

Linked to Hypoglycemia

Is stevia safe for hypoglycemics?

Another concern brought up about stevia safety is that is causes hypoglycemia.  This is tied into the adrenal issue cited above.

Let me tell you this.  I had hypoglycemia (I diagnosed myself — my doctor missed it) and I had it bad.

I went completely off sugar at that point and started eating a bunch of stevia.  More than I ever had before.

My hypoglycemia is gone.

Totally reversed.

Now, does that mean someone else couldn’t have an odd reaction to stevia that might cause hypoglycemia?  Of course, it doesn’t mean that. If you are concerned, check your blood sugar after consuming stevia.  Everyone is different.

There are some studies showing that stevia helps control hyperglycemia, but that may or may not mean that it causes hypoglycemia. Note this study, for example, that found that stevia did not cause hypoglycemia.

Infertility and Miscarriages?

Is stevia safe for use in pregnancy?

One of the main concerns about stevia safety is that it affects fertility.

There’s information floating around the internet that there are studies showing stevia causing infertility in rats, and there’s also talk that stevia’s been used in Paraguay for contraception.

Well, we can put this issue to rest. There have been several studies showing contraception issues with stevia, but they have all been debunked.

Take my word for it, or click through here to read a very very thorough article, with appropriate sourcing that addresses this issue completely.  Source

Of course, I completely agree with the author of the above-referenced post. If you think stevia is causing issues with your fertility, stop using it. Just the stress of that questioning might be enough to cause issues for you.

Doesn’t Support Glycogen Synthesis

The argument here is that your body needs glucose to function but basically this is the same argument of hypoglycemia and adrenal issues.

However, in one post the additional argument was made that your body needs glycogen to convert inactive thyroid hormone T4 into active thyroid hormone T3.

The thinking here is that if you are using stevia instead of fruit and natural sugars, then you won’t have sufficient glycogen. I don’t know enough about this but I have been doing a lot of reading about the effects of low carb diets on thyroid and adrenal health and I think it’s worth thinking about.

Basically, however, I don’t think that this argument necessitates giving up stevia, but it does mean that we ought to consider making sure that we have sufficient carbs in our diets.  This post from Body Ecology and this one from Chris Kresser go into great depth regarding these low carb / adrenal / thyroid issues.

This study, in fact, shows that stevia helps with glucose tolerance.  This study as well suggests that stevia can help balance blood sugar. If that is the case, then concerns about stevia safety as it relates to glycogen synthesis would seem to be invalid.

A Hormone in Disguise?

Several bloggers mentioned that stevia is synthesized in the same pathway as 2 plant hormones, and that it ends up being structurally similar to those hormones.

Again, this is something that I could not find anything about on the internet.  And just because something is synthesized in the same way or is structurally similar to hormones, that doesn’t mean it is a hormone. Take NaCl for example.

Salt is fine to eat and we sprinkle it on food all the time. HCl, however, is stomach acid and we would do damage to ourselves if we sprinkled it on our food.  (I take HCl as a dietary supplement as mentioned here, but you would cause serious damage to your teeth and esophagus if you sprinkled it on your food.

Just because something is similar to something else doesn’t mean that it has the same qualities as that thing. I did, however, read a very detailed article on stevia safety that stated that it isn’t that stevia is synthesized in the same way as gibberellin and kaurene but that the plant is making kaurene and can either make gibberellin or stevia. Sadly, that article is now no longer on the internet. 

So that puts this argument into question for me. I haven’t dug into this enough, but I do think I feel at peace enough to not worry about it.

High in Oxalates?

Oxalates are naturally occurring substances in foods, but some people are very concerned about reducing them in their diet since eating too many of them, without balancing them with calcium intake in particular) can lead to kidney stones, hypercalciuria, and other things.

One of the bloggers who wrote about stevia being dangerous to consume initially wrote about stevia safety and was concerned that it is high in oxalates, but she later removed that from her blog post.

However, since it was initially there, and also since oxalates are getting more attention these days, I’m going to address it.

My thinking is this. Even if stevia were high in oxalates, the amount of stevia used is so small that it doesn’t amount to much and should not be a concern since oxalates are everywhere.

Also, most high oxalate foods have lots of nutritional benefits so it’s important to not risk poor nutrition by limiting your diet too much. In this case, better to reduce your sugar intake for a very minimal risk regarding oxalates.

Additionally, there’s evidence that gut bacteria play a big part in whether or not you will have oxalate issues. This post on the gut brain axis can be of help, or this post on finding a good low-histamine probiotic can as well.

Finally, it appears that any oxalates in stevia are only present in the whole leaf form, and not in the extract. A quick search on the internet shows many sources stating that “chemical stevia” (which appears to be the term they are using for stevia extract) has no oxalates, which makes sense since oxalates are in plant food and the white powder is just an extract and not the part of the plant that has the oxalates.

If you like using the whole leaf form, it seems that there are about 46mg in a 1 teaspoon size serving.

Since stevia (even ground leaves) are much stronger than sugar, you’re not going to be ingesting a whole teaspoon at once–and high oxalate foods are those that have 100 mg or more of oxalates per serving. Add that to the fact that almost all people who use stevia are using the extract, and I think this is a non issue.

Causes Mutagenic Reactions and (Yikes) Cancer

I read in several places that stevia can cause mutations and even cancer. Scary stuff.

Thankfully, one of the posts on stevia safety did clarify that the studies that appeared to demonstrate these risks were in the minority and that the amounts of stevia fed to subjects were quite high so they are typically discarded in discussions questioning stevia’s safety.

This study is one showing that stevia consumption does not cause genetic problems.  From the study:

these substances do not pose a risk of genetic damage following human consumption.

And here is this study with a similar conclusion.

Furthermore, in one study that is often cited regarding mutagenic reactions to stevia, the synthetic chemical structure of stevioside is being examined rather than the stevia leaf itself (aka rebaudaside A, M, etc.). The study is suggestive and not conclusive.

Also, they stated in the study that the topic needs to be studied more.

Finally, this study was done in 1985, which was before machinery, isolation, and extraction techniques were very different than they are today so that needs to be taken into account as well.

Causes Allergic Reactions?

The big claim here is that stevia isn’t safe for those with ragweed allergies.

I thought for a period of time that I was allergic to stevia.

I would use it and thought I was having sinus and eye symptoms from it. Over time I did a bunch of trials and errors and finally came to the conclusion that I am not allergic to it.

Boy, was I thrilled. Please do note that stevia is related to daisies, chrysanthemums, ragweed or marigolds.

It’s possible that if you are allergic to these plants that you might have a cross-reaction to stevia.

But that is not the case for everyone and I am proof positive of that. Bottom Line – Anyone can be allergic to anything.

Remember The Boy in the Plastic Bubble?  That boy was allergic to basically everything!

If you are allergic to one thing, that doesn’t mean that you are allergic to everything that is related to that thing.

You can either avoid the food or address internal issues that are causing your immune system to overreact, or both. But just because stevia might cause allergies in some is not a reason to avoid it.  Make sure you read the next section which addresses another possible cause for reactions to stevia.

Often Processed with Chemicals

Is stevia safe for those concerned about toxic ingredients?

I didn’t see this on any other blogs, but I will bring this into the ring myself.

Some stevia producers use chemicals to produce their stevia extract. For that reason, I only choose stevia from companies that do not use chemicals for processing their pure stevia extract.  For more on the stevia that I use, you can see this post on How to Use Stevia.

If you are having reactions to stevia, you might wish to contact the manufacturer to see how they process their stevia.

If the manufacturer is using clean processing then concerns about stevia safety regarding processing toxicity are unfounded.

Causes You to Eat More Sweets

A reader commented that I should add this to the list – that sweeteners like stevia can cause your body to expect glucose and therefore you end up craving and eating more as a result.  Apparently, this happens particularly in those who are sugar-sensitive.

This would apply to all low carb sweeteners and not just stevia – the same with many of the negative claims here. I have read about this before but I haven’t experienced this.  In fact, I think I crave sweets more and eat more sweets if I eat the “real sugars”.

Is Toxic for Your Liver

This is a recent addition to the list of concerns. A friend of mine on Facebook shared about the dangers of Splenda and mentioned that she uses stevia. One of her friends shared that her herbalist told her that stevia causes problems if you have liver disease.

Of course that had me worried so I started investigating.

I couldn’t find anything backing up that claim. In fact, I did find a study showing that stevia actually reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver of obese mice. (source)

Causes Nervous System Problems

A reader shared an article with me stating that stevia contains compounds (beta-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide) that may depress the activity of your central nervous system. This really perplexes me. I recognized those terms as being beneficial terpenes so I decided to see what they were referring to.

The answer? I have no idea.

In fact, beta-caryophyllene is known to have protective effects on the nervous system. So odd, eh? (source)

And caryophyllene oxide has also been shown to have loads of benefits as well (source). I did find one study talking about the potential for some depressing activity of these terpenes (which I assume is the source of this information) but it’s not appropriate to evaluate a substance based on one small part of it. For example, you wouldn’t say that an essential oil is bad because it has one of these terpenes in it.

The same article made a lot of other claims, none of which had links to any sources verifying the information.

More Research-based Health Posts

Oh, and by the way, it doesn’t mean I can’t be wrong, but this kind of research is basically my (sugar-free) jam. I thrive on this.

You can see more posts like this here:


So, is stevia safe?

If you are concerned about stevia’s safety, here are my basic final thoughts. I think that there are numerous benefits to using stevia and I also think that the concerns are largely unfounded.

For those of us struggling with candida, blood sugar issues (like diabetes and insulin resistance) or trying to eat a low carb diet, I think there is likely no better thing to put in your cuppa (whether it’s coffee or this coffee substitute), or homemade sugar-free lemonade.

Or even bake with. Because life without brownies is hard, right?

Basically, my answer to the question, “Is Stevia Safe?” is “yes!”

Now that you’re likely feeling better about stevia and we’ve answered the question “Is Stevia Safe?”, again, here are some other helpful posts about stevia:

What do YOU think?
Do you use stevia? Will you keep using it?

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  1. I could just kiss you for all this info & hard work. I agree 100% and wish all these false claims would be challenged & removed from the internet. Sadly, there are too many people just taking the word of all these false examples. No souces, and if there are sources they are all shown in ridiculous quantities that would be nearly impossible to stand. You are my Stevia hero!!!

  2. Adrienne Thank you for all your hard work as I was recently diagnosed as a diabetic which shocked me since I haven’t used real sugar in anything that I drink like coffee, tea, etc. Besides my coffee and tea the only other thing I drink is water. I have never used a sugar substitute either. I know sugar is used is found in many other things, but I don’t eat a lot of sweets either. I gave up adding sugar to my drinks about 50 years ago.

    I am now on medicine to bring it down and have been looking at all kinds of different smoothies and other recipes that of course call for sugar substitutes. I have been following a diabetic diet for the last two months, but wanted to try smoothies and other recipes that call for the sugar substitute Stevia. I have different things that I have ordered to get started and while on the Internet I happened to come across a blog that talked how bad these things were for you and the only safe way was to grow your own plants. After reading that other article I was pretty bummed thinking I wouldn’t be able to use the products I had ordered until I read your blog.

    I appreciate all your hard work and just glad I found your blog. I know there hasn’t been any comments since July so not sure if you will see this or not, but just in case I wanted you to know.

    1. So happy to read this – thank you and welcome!!! (I try to read each and every comment :)!)

  3. I was always told that Stevia is better because it is natural. I always replied that heroin and cocaine come from natural sources too. That doesn’t mean they are good for us. I have always been able to lose weight using artificial sweeteners in moderation, but I am concerned about how they cause cancer in animals. It is good to know that there is a no cal sweetener that I can use that won’t affect my blood sugar and won’t cause cancer.


    1. What study are you inquiring about? There are sources noted in this post. Thanks for reading.

  4. It’s interesting that you mentioned the allergic reactions – I developed 5 pretty life changing food allergies quite suddenly out of the blue at age 30, at the exact same time that I tried a health drink a few times with stevia in it. Maybe it was coincidence. Maybe it was one of the other ingredients. Or maybe it was the stevia. Our immune functions are very complicated, anything is possible.

    I had never had stevia prior to taking this health drink because when I tasted it or tried it once or twice, it made me feel weird. Hard to say how, just weird. But hey, everyone’s different.

  5. I have to laugh at people freaking out about Stevia being harmful to our health… HOGWASH!!! But… pharmaceuticals are okay? Fluoride is okay? Vaccines are okay? Pesticides sprayed on produce is okay?, Our foods are increasingly being genetically modified. Toxic heavy metals are being sprayed into our atmosphere. I’ll stick with my stevia, thank you very much … because in the end, SOMETHING is going to kill us. I grow my own stevia plants and harvest the leaves. Yep, they may be sprayed with some mysterious stuff falling out of the sky, but I can only control what I can control and I’m not going to stress out about the rest. Oh yeah, isn’t stress a killer too! =) Anyway, I’m actually going to try just dropping a fresh stevia leaf into my lemon water and see if that works. Great article Whole New Mom!

  6. Thanks for taking the time and energy to share your research with us. You have convinced me that I am way better off taking Stevia than any other sweetener. Because like you I am a better fit or vice-a-versa. 🙂

  7. I think its obvious that the huge sugar and corn syrup, cancer causing industry has a lot to lose and I attribute all the opposition to their paid PR agents.

    Big companies pay big bucks to squash competition. Sugar is big business.

    Thanks for a great article to educate people and help them break their sugar dependency.

    A recovering sugar addict

    1. BINGO!! I do believe you are spot-on Eric!! Just like what the olive oil industry did to coconut oil. GOOD point!

  8. Another great article! Man I was so nervous reading it though…. I sure do love my stevia, haha.

    Have you heard of the KAL brand? That’s the only one I’ve ever used (it tastes great so I just never saw the need to try another) and some friends of mine who complained of stevia being bitter recently switched to KAL and love it. It says it has no other ingredients in it, but I haven’t researched it.

    Also- I recently feared that stevia was high in oxalates as well. I am forced to limit my oxalate content because my levels are so high and I get really bad pain if I eat too much. But I finally found out that no brands of stevia are high in oxalates- the highest they can be is on the “medium” level. This information comes from the Trying Low Oxalates group on facebook, and I believe that their information can be trusted. They have poured a lot of time and research into their oxalate chart and it is quite extensive.

    Anyway thanks again for the informative post!

    1. Thanks and I get it on the nervous part!

      I have used KAL but it’s been a long time. I know that for awhile it seemed that they only had a variety w/ additives in it. I should try it again.

      So glad to hear that about the oxalates!

  9. Thanks for the article. I started using Stevia recently, almost solely in coffee and goat milk.. I was very surprised on how it tasted like sugar. I sampled some by itself and tasted only a tiny hint of bitterness but when added to my beverages it was great. Stevia is my go to sweetener to cut sugar out of my diet. I think anything in excess it not good, so my approach is to carefully added Stevia in small amounts until I find a perfect balance. Thanks once again.

  10. On Gluconeogenesis, it does not rely on added sugar as a sweetener. You must accept that all food is Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat in various ratios. All of which are eventually converted to Pyruvate as usable to the Mitochondria to strip ATP as the essential energy source on the cellular level Sugar alcohols are well known to be used in diabetic candies etc. and can cause GI distress in large amounts d/t indigestion. This is why Sorbitol is used as a laxative. The problem with the public is that they don’t get the chemistry and are afraid of it. Look up Krebs Cycle, Glycolosis, Gluconeogenesis, Beta Oxidation. My research has led me to find that artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols may cause degradation of the natural flora in the intestines which can cause intolerances to many foods and drugs, depending on the individual. Gut flora health is the first line of defense, the largest part of our immune system, keeping it healthy is essential.

      1. It appears that he is one of those MD worshipers, not realizing that MDs never study nutrition. In fact they NEVER study health, only disease. Since I became the “doctor” of my body, I have enjoyed health. The last time there was sickness was under an MD’s watch. Now, 25 years later at 73, there is not even an incidence of colds.

        By the way, thank you for a clearly written article. I too was beginning to worry about the negative hype about Stevia. It reminds me of the scare about Kava affecting the liver, which has been debunked, but many still believe. Big Pharma and Big Food would love to see Stevia disappear.

        1. Tom – sorry for the delay in responding. Thanks for your comment. I would love to see the info about kava being debunked. I have done some research into it and am confused but it seems that it’s a possible issue for those with liver issues. Thanks!!

  11. I use the brand “Sweet Leaf” Stevia. It is the only one I can find that doesn’t also contain sugar alcohols. And it is definitely the most expensive one in my grocery store. I have never tried the liquid. After reading this and some other articles and discovering that it is related to ragweed, I’m wondering if the Stevia in my tea every morning is what causes my bought of sneezing . I am highly allergic to ragweed and have had a prescription for generic Flonase (now available without a prescription) for years (use every day) and keep and frequently take extra strength Mucinex whenever I feel congested. Not the one with the decongestant because I have high blood pressure; however, I haven’t noticed that the Stevia has lowered my blood pressure in any way. Thanks for the information .

    1. There are loads that don’t have sugar alcohols. I use mostly pure extracts and those do not have sugar alcohols in them.

      1. When I run out of my own stevia in the winter, I use Stevita which contains Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni (the leaves of the actual plant) and the only other Ingredients are Distilled Water, USDA Organic Stevita Stevia Extract, and Grapefruit Seed Extract (a natrual preservative). I may have to try using your recipe to make my own stevia drops.

  12. I have had raw freshly picked stevia….the teeniest bite from it’s very small leaf. it still has an aftertaste I can’t stand. is it safe? yes! will I cook with it? no. to me, it tastes yucky.

    1. Processing the stevia with water into a white powder makes it taste better. I have grown stevia myself. I like it but baking with it would be tough. Thanks for reading!

  13. Wow! The conclusions drawn here are poorly assumed in my opinion. Beginning with the first argument that a parallel to eating meat with antibiotics would not be a reason to stop (research that point a little further..) to the misguided advice to quit eating stevia if it affects your fertility (really?? after the fact is a little late), I found no factually drawn conclusions. I was reviewing this forum to gain new information, but it seems to be a justification for the choice you are making rather than providing clear research and sound advice. With internet blogs on the rise, unless you are a professional, offering these types of conclusions and poorly assembled research is irresponsible. That being said, I have no opinion on stevia, my verdict is still out and therefore, I probably will err on the side of avoiding it until real conclusions can be made.

    1. Hi Kate.

      Thanks for reading.

      Can I ask you which of the sources and studies that I linked to do you think is not clear research? Do you think that only professionals can assimilate information in one place?

      Regarding your comment about fertility, it isn’t necessarily after the fact if a person is still hoping to have children, so I am not sure that I follow your train of thought.

    2. Paid shill alert! I found your reply to be vague and degrading to the author. Go eat your sugar…

  14. My doctor has ordered me to eliminate all artificial sweeteners from my diet. She believes they negatively affect many things including my type 2 diabetes. She states they is not enough research on Stevia to verify its safety. However, sometimes I crave a drink other than water. There are many with Stevia as a sweetener. Do you consider Stevia an artificial sweetener?

      1. Hi again, Kate. Her doctor said to avoid artificial sweeteners and she asked me if I thought it is one. It is not.

        This is not an internet forum – it’s a blog. I never recommend that someone not listen to their doctor. In fact, quite the opposite.

      2. Right Kate, nothing natural can be of value, only pills from the pharma companies work. You are hard at work discrediting Stevia you obvious paid shill. Now go take your Xanax and relax.

      3. HA! If I listened to my doctor, I’d be in a whole heap of trouble right now. I’m so glad I chose to go the natural route (which healed me) and avoided some serious consequences from the doctor’s recommendations that would have ruined me for life. Doctors aren’t all they are cracked up to be… not these days!

  15. Hi! Thanks for the informative article. I’ve recently switched to having Stevia everyday in my coffee and in baking etc as an attempt to cut sugar out for my eczema.

    I have a question though- the only Stevia i can find here lists its ingredients as: Sweetners (Erythritol, organic stevia glycosides 0.78%), Natvriol (Erythritol, organic stevia glycosides 0.62%).

    Is this bad? What are your thoughts on this? It does say in a disclaimer that its made with all natural ingredients that do utilise any GM.


    1. You are so welcome. So the product that you have is a stevia blend – not pure stevia extract. So it will behave differently but I personally use those ingredients and feel fine about using them. Take care!