Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle FAQs

Are you experiencing troubles or do have
questions about The Ultimate Homemakers eBook Bundle? Take a look
through these frequently asked questions and maybe we can help you out.

Receiving Your eBooks and eCourses

How do I receive my eBooks?

After your purchase was completed through Paypal, you should have received an automatic email containing the download links. This email goes directly to whichever email account is connected to your Paypal account.

Sometimes these emails wind up in spam folders, instead of in your inbox.  Before you worry that you didn’t get the email, make sure you take a good look at your spam folder first.  It’s a pain, but it happens.

How do I receive my eCourses?

In the email that you receive when you purchase the bundle, there will be
special links and/or coupon codes that you will use to access your

Downloading, Devices (eReaders, iPads, phones, etc.) and Other Technical Issues

How do I download the ebooks to my computer?

the email that you receive, there will be links that you will use to
download all of the book files. In total you will find around 70
download links, but within these links are all 90+ eBooks included in
the sale.

Many of the books are sent as individual files and you will click on the specific link to download each book.

some of the books, we have put them together into .zip
, with a handful of eBooks in each file (these are
noted by the words “folder contains X number of ebooks”). You’ll simply
download each .zip file onto your computer, then you can open those
files up and you’ll find all of the books, which you can then save into
the appropriate files on your computer.

Note that
if you have an older or slower computer, or a slow internet
, you will only want to start downloading one
.zip file at a time to prevent the download from timing out. If your
computer/internet connection is fast, you shouldn’t have any issues with

Can I download them on my iPad, iPhone or any other eReader devices?

but there is a step you need to take first. Due to the
size of these files, they can only be downloaded onto a regular desktop
or laptop computer.

If you try to download directly onto any type of smaller device, the files will not download properly.

first, open up your purchase email and download all files onto your
regular computer.
Once this is done, then you can proceed
to transfer them to your devices.

For Kindle, you can use the “Send to Kindle” app. It works on PC or
Mac. It can send files (once they are downloaded) to your Kindle app on
your Apple device (ie. iPad or iPhone), Android device, or Kindle.

other ebook readers, you’ll have to do it however you normally do for
that device. Usually this involves downloading them onto your computer
first, then transferring the files via USB or WiFi to your device after
they have been downloaded.

Can I put these eBooks on my Kindle/Nook/eReader?

you can! But, note that as these are being sold as .PDF files, and not
in any specific eReader file type (each eReader uses a different file
type, so it would be impossible for us to address all of the various
devices and file types out there).

Because they are
in .PDF format, some of them will look/work better on an eReader than
Most eReaders can accommodate these files, they
just might not be perfectly formatted to look as good as a file that was
made specifically for that device (for example, the font might be
slightly small), but most of them should be readable regardless.

the ones that aren’t, they can all still be read on your computer with
the use of a Preview program, or whatever you usually use to view .PDF

What are .zip files and how do I open them?

used .zip files for some of the books simply because they compress
files and there are just SO many files included in this bundle. This
helps to make it a bit easier and faster to transfer and download the
books, even though many of them are still individual downloads. 90+
eBooks is an awful lot!

For both Windows and Mac users, take a look at this very helpful WikiHow tutorial, which
will show you exactly how to open .zip files, without a fancy
As long as your computer is relatively new, you
should be able to open the files up without the help of any extra

If you have an older computer without this capability, this tutorial gives some ideas of other
unzipping software that you can download for free. One way to open .zip
files is with a program called WinZip. You can download a trial version here for free.

How long will my download links work for?

links in your purchase email will work for 4 weeks
which gives you plenty of time to make sure that you get all of your
files downloaded and stored properly on your computer.

I would
advise that you download them immediately, regardless of the 4 week
deadline. It’s easy to forget about this sort of thing, and I wouldn’t
want you to be disappointed to realize that your links no longer work!

You must be sure to download all files before June 1st! (This is important!)

Also, just in case you experience a download error, you have 9 download attempts to make sure that you get all of your books!

shouldn’t need it, but if for some reason your download attempts run
out before you have all of your books, simply email us at
bundles@keeperofthehome.org, include your name and Paypal transaction
number, and we’ll give you more attempts.)

Bonus Offers

How do I access the bonus offers?

of these details will be included in the email that you receive after
you purchase your bundle. We will give you specific instructions on how
to redeem each one of the bonus offers.

Most of them involve
visiting the website of the specific company, and then accessing your
bonus offer either through a special link we’ll give you, or with a
coupon code included in your email.

How long will the bonus offers be available?

bonus offers will be available for 2 weeks after the sale ends, through
May 18th. There will be no extensions on the bonus offers.

companies have offered what amounts to a significant amount of their
inventory, and so for their sake (because we’re really grateful for our
amazing bonus sponsors!), there needs to be a finite deadline, so that
they can prepare adequately to be able to follow through on honoring the
bonuses that they’ve offered.

Do I need to pay shipping?

of the bonus companies have agreed to honor their regular shipping
policies, which means that if they have free shipping at $25 or more, or
whatever they usually offer, they’ll allow you to get that shipping
rate. In other words, a lot of online “special offers” will bump up the
shipping in order to compensate for whatever it is they’re giving you
for “free”. Our companies are not doing that.

There are also
several items that are digital items (Plan to Eat, ListPlanIt, etc.) and
for these bonuses, there is no shipping involved.

What if a company is out of stock or can’t honor the bonus offer?

we carefully vet each company making a bonus offer and make it clear to
them how many redemptions that we expect to receive through this sale,
occasionally things happen and a company may possibly run out of stock
and be unable to fulfill an offer. We’ve never had it happen yet, but
we’re mentioning it because we know that it is a slight possibility.

important to remember that this bonuses are simply that… a
They are not the product that you are buying. What
you are purchasing is the eBook and eCourse bundle, and the bonuses are
offered to sweeten the pot and help to introduce you to some fantastic
new companies and products.

The organizers of this bundle are not
responsible for any individual company’s ability to follow through on
the redemption of bonus offers, and each offer is subject to product
availability on a first come, first serve basis.

Can I share these bonus offers with my family or friends?

no. You’re welcome to tell anyone about the bundle or these fantastic
new companies you’ve discovered, but these offers are made
available solely to those who have bought their OWN eBook bundle, and
are not able to be used multiple times.

When you
go to redeem your bonus offers, it is likely that
companies will require a Paypal transaction number from you, as proof
that you have purchased a copy of the eBook bundle
Please be prepared to present them with this information so that they
can verify your purchase and honor the bonus offer.

Replacing Lost Files and Sharing Files

What if I lose my eBook files down the road?

Please remember to back up your files (on another computer, on a backup hard drive, on a web-hosted “cloud storage site“).
Keeper of the Home and the authors cannot send you copies of eBooks that
have been deleted or lost.

Can I share these eBooks with my friends or family members?

of the eBooks in The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle is copyrighted by
the original author. Your purchase does not entitle you
to share the files
or upload them anywhere online where
others can access them.

Sharing eBooks is theft and steals from
the authors who work so hard to create these wonderful resources, so
please make sure that you are respecting their copyrights (and you can
always point others in the direction of their websites- share the

If you’d like to purchase and give an eBook
bundle to someone, that is perfectly fine!
purchase one specifically for that person and then “gift” it to them by
sending them the download email. 🙂

that we will not be offering refunds
(but we
WILL make sure that you get what you’d paid for!).

Did we miss
anything? If you have a question that we haven’t answered,
contact us by email at bundles@keeperofthehome.org, and
make sure to choose the subject “eBook Bundle”.
your Paypal transaction number helps us to serve you more